Transcripts: Essential Bible Teachings
Is Jesus Christ God? (With Audio Description) (3:22)

Transcript: Is Jesus Christ God?
[A sketch of Jesus looking over his shoulder, the sketch transitions into another that reveals Jesus sitting on a rock]
Presenter: Many people regard Jesus as the most influential person in history. But is he Almighty God himself?
[A crowd surrounds him]
Or was he simply a good man?
[A man on a crutch reaches out to take his hand]
Many people personally met Jesus, and some of their accounts are found in the Bible, revealing who Jesus really is.
[2 B.C.E.]
For instance, an angel spoke to Jesus’ mother about her unborn son and said: “This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most High.”
[Gabriel gestures to Mary. Luke1:32. 29 C.E.]
When Jesus was being baptized, God’s own voice confirmed Jesus’ identity: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.”
[Matthew 3:17. Circa 32 C.E.]
What did his followers believe? When Jesus asked who they thought he was, Peter responded: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
[Matthew 16:16. 33C.E.]
What did Jesus’ enemies say? Those wanting to kill him explained why: “According to the law he ought to die, because he made himself God’s son.”
[Chief priests point and scowl at him. John 19:7]
What did Jesus himself say about his identity and relationship to God? He told his followers: “The Father is greater than I am.”
[John 14:28]
Even after his death and resurrection, Jesus said this about his future:
[At the tomb Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene]
“I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.”
[John 20:17]
The Biblical record makes it clear that Jesus is a distinct person, separate from God Almighty.
[A collage of the previously depicted Bible accounts]
In fact, the Bible teaches that although Jesus is a powerful spirit creature in heaven, he is still subject to his God and Father. Still, God has given a special assignment to his Son: to bring everlasting life and happiness to all humankind, just as God originally purposed.
[In God’s sight Jesus sits enthroned]
What else does the Bible say about Jesus? Did Jesus really perform miracles? Why did Jesus die? Will Jesus return?
[A Bible opens, and computer icons pop up]
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[Icons transform into the JW.ORG logo]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2020 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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