Transcripts: Love People. Make Disciples
Jesus Feels Pity for the Crowd (With Audio Description) (2:10)

Transcript: Jesus Feels Pity for the Crowd
[Text: Empathy. Mark 6:30 through 34]
[On the seashore Jesus kneels warming his hands over a fire. Raising his head he sees three of his apostles approaching. He smiles at them as he rises to his feet. Jesus greets them warmly putting his hand on one of their shoulders]
Presenter: The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all the things they had done and taught.
[He listens to them intensely as each of them speaks then gazes at them and sighs deeply]
Jesus: Come, you yourselves, privately into an isolated place and rest up a little.
[They nod in agreement]
Presenter: For there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure time even to eat a meal.
[All four walk together on the seashore. Now in a boat two of the apostle’s row in unison. Jesus and the other apostles sit across from them. With the wind blowing his hair Jesus looks toward the shoreline]
But people saw them going and many got to know it.
[On shore a man points at the approaching boat, the crowd with him look eagerly in that direction]
And from all the cities they ran together on foot and got there ahead of them.
[The apostles stop rowing as they notice the crowd]
Crowd: Jesus! Help us! Please!
[Jesus stands his eyes scanning the people on shore. Observing his smile the three apostles exchange understanding looks, one apostle chuckles to himself, another sighs pursing his lips. The two rowers start to row again. Still looking toward, the shore Jesus’s eyes fill with tears]
Jesus: And he was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd.
[He sits on a rock with the crowd gathered around him]
And he started to teach them many things.
[As Jesus instructs, they listen attentively]
(Logo inside a White box. Black capital letters JW.ORG. Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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