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Transcripts: Broadcasts

JW Broadcasting May 2024 (53:30)

Transcript: JW Broadcasting May 2024
(Text: Ronald Curzan. Helper to the teaching Committee)
Ronald: Welcome to JW Broadcasting. In this month’s program, we’ll see how Jehovah shepherds us through any challenge. Here are some highlights of what’s ahead. In the exciting conclusion to Luda’s story, she must overcome her fears to make a stand for God’s Kingdom. Where can we find the strength to make needed changes? A highly trained soldier tells us why he decided to leave the military after learning the truth. And our music video reminds us that joy and peace are possible now as we wait for “the real life” to come. This is the May 2024 edition of JW Broadcasting.
(JW Broadcasting logo. Collage of images of people worldwide spin round a globe, transitions into a white box with the capital letters JW Broadcasting. A backdrop of the earth’s sky view. A shepherd holds a lamb in his arms)
What do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see yourself in it? You should. But why? This picture helps us to visualize the beautiful description of Jehovah found at Isaiah 40:11: Like a shepherd he will care for his flock. With his arm he will gather together the lambs, and in his bosom, he will carry them. He will gently lead those nursing their young.” Jehovah bears many titles in the Bible, but the designation “Shepherd” is among the most tender. Like a shepherd, Jehovah says ‘he will carry his lambs in his bosom,’ illustrating his tender love and care for each one of his precious sheep. Look again at the picture. Is it hard for you to see yourself as a lamb nestled in the bosom of our Shepherd, Jehovah? We know that many of you dear brothers and sisters are coping with very difficult challenges day after day in this cruel, wicked world. Such challenges can make it difficult for you to feel like a lamb, safe and secure in the bosom of our Shepherd. Please be assured that Jehovah is fully aware of every challenge you face. Why can you be so sure? Let’s read what David, the writer of Psalm 23:4, says: Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, “I fear no harm, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me.” Much like a physical valley located deep in the shadows of nearby mountains, a figurative valley can be used to describe a low point in one’s life, when we’re feeling down, gloomy, or in a dark place. When David wrote this psalm, he was feeling down, at a low point in his life. Well, what “valley of deep shadow” are you currently going through? Are you feeling overwhelmed with trying to provide for your family’s needs? Dealing with a serious health issue, such as cancer?
(Chest X-Ray)
Exhausted because you are caring for your mate or a parent with dementia?
(A tray of medication)
trying to cope with the death of a loved one? Battling feelings of loneliness, worthlessness, or anxiety? Or facing persecution?
(Parents comfort teenager)
It’s so difficult to remain positive when facing the darkest days of our life. But there is a bright side. What is that? Jehovah is aware of the mountain-like obstacles that cause you to feel low, as if you were in a “valley of deep shadow.” He not only sees your pain, but he’s ready to come to your rescue, lift you up with his strong arms, and embrace you like that lamb in the picture. Psalm 23 is one of the most well-known passages in the Bible and beautifully describes the loving way that our Shepherd, Jehovah, leads, protects, and feeds his precious sheep. As we consider these three ways that Jehovah cares for us, look for the answers to the following questions: What does Jehovah do? How does he do it? And what do you need to do?
(Ways Jehovah cares for us)
The first way: Our Shepherd leads us. At Psalm 23:1, the theme of our discussion, David expressed with full confidence: Jehovah is my Shepherd. I will lack nothing.” As a young man, David proved to be a capable shepherd who tenderly cared for and protected his entire flock and cared for the specific needs of each sheep. Here in Psalm 23, David portrays himself, not as a shepherd, but as a humble sheep under the loving care of Jehovah, affectionately calling him “my Shepherd.” During his lifetime, David experienced many highs and lows, peaks, valleys, joys and disappointments.
(He dodged a spear)
But whatever “valley of deep shadow” he faced, David always relied on his Shepherd to lead him to safety and provide exactly what he needed when he needed it.
(David hides)
With complete trust and confidence, he said: I will lack nothing.” No wonder Psalm 23 has been called “a psalm of assurance or trust.” What does our Shepherd do? Verses 2 and 3 answer: In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; “he leads me to well-watered resting-places. “He refreshes me. “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of his name.” The Watchtower once explained: David here paints a scene of contentment, refreshment, and security.” Jehovah leads us to “grassy pastures” and “tranquil waters.” “The Hebrew word rendered “pastures” can mean ‘pleasant place.’”
(Young family trek)
If we humbly follow our Shepherd, he will lead us to a “pleasant place” where we can feel secure and have peace of mind, even when we’re going through a “valley of deep shadow.”
(Parents hold young children’s hands)
How does Jehovah lead us?
(Man reads Bible)
By means of his Word, he teaches us how to make wise decisions that lead to “paths of righteousness,” a life course that is pleasing to him and brings us happiness. He sets a course and a pace that we’re able to follow, never expecting us to do more than we’re able. Jehovah also leads us by means of under-shepherds, the elders, who tenderly care for us spiritually, emotionally, and physically so that we will “lack nothing.”
(Overnight woman reads Bible)
What do you need to do?
(And holds an iPad)
If you’re going through a “valley of deep shadow,” search our many publications for specific Bible principles and helpful advice that can shed light on your present circumstances and provide practical ways to overcome difficulties or give you the patience to endure. Many find encouragement and comfort watching JW Broadcasting®. In fact, one sister said: JW Broadcasting has helped me to be more positive . . . When I get lonely or discouraged, I find an encouraging talk or (a) Morning Worship program to watch.” Are you benefiting from the monthly broadcasts, videos, and uplifting songs? The second way: Our Shepherd protects us. Let’s read the second half of verse 4: Your rod and your staff reassure me.” David used a shepherd’s rod and staff to illustrate Jehovah’s protective care. Ancient shepherds used a rod to protect their sheep from predators such as lions, bears, wolves, and snakes. They also used a staff to guide their sheep, gently nudging them in the right direction.
(Bear chases sheep)
Interestingly, some staffs had a hook at the end of the long stick that helped them as a shepherd to gently draw back a sheep straying or nibbling into danger, guiding them back to the protection of the flock. The sheep certainly did not fear that the shepherd would use his rod or his staff to beat them. What does Jehovah do? Our loving Shepherd stands ready to use his figurative rod and staff to warn and protect us from predators seeking to harm us, especially from Satan, who in the Bible is portrayed as a vicious lion and a cunning serpent. Jehovah also has appointed elders in the congregation to warn and protect us from harmful influences and from taking a dangerous path in this wicked world. No doubt you’re filled with heartfelt appreciation and are comforted knowing that Jehovah is always on the lookout to use his figurative rod and staff to warn and protect us, not to beat us. If you’ve strayed or nibbled away from the flock for whatever reason, please listen to Jehovah as he speaks to you through his written Word, the Bible, and our brotherhood. Humbly follow the gentle nudging to lead you back to the safety of the congregation, where you’ll enjoy lush “grassy pastures” and refreshing “well-watered resting-places.” Elders, you are entrusted with a privileged but heavy responsibility to protect Jehovah’s precious sheep, whom He’s placed under your care. We take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for those of you who use your figurative rod and staff to protect the sheep, never making them feel beaten down but truly loved and appreciated. How does Jehovah protect us? He protects us as a group, or flock. Satan will never succeed in wiping Jehovah’s sheep from the earth. Jehovah also protects each sheep individually. How? Most important, he protects us spiritually. The Draw Close to Jehovah book explains: Our loving God protects us from spiritual harm “by equipping us with what we need in order to endure trials “and to safeguard our relationship with him. “Jehovah thus works to preserve our life, not just for a few short years but for eternity.
(Chapter 7 paragraph 18)
How reassuring that Jehovah makes sure that we have everything we need so that we will, in effect, “lack nothing”! What do you need to do? Take full advantage of the many provisions Jehovah makes available to protect us spiritually, prayer, fellow worshippers, and timely spiritual food, which we’ll discuss next. The third way: Our Shepherd feeds us. Psalm 23:5, 6 reassures us: You prepare a table for me before my enemies. “You refresh my head with oil; my cup is well-filled. “Surely goodness and loyal love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of Jehovah for all my days.” What does Jehovah do? David now describes our Shepherd as a generous host who spreads before us, his invited guests, delicious and nutritious food and drink in great abundance. How does Jehovah feed us? Through “the faithful and discreet slave,” Jehovah gives us timely publications as well as rich spiritual programs at our meetings, assemblies, conventions, JW Broadcasting, Governing Body updates, along with encouraging songs and videos, and so much more. Truly, the slave is giving us “food at the proper time” what we need when we need it. We certainly “lack nothing” spiritually. What do you need to do? Show your appreciation for the food the slave provides by eating it and never being fussy, picky, or selective in your eating habits. Remember, the Bible and Bible-based publications are ways that Jehovah speaks to us, in effect, saying: This is the way. Walk in it,” my precious sheep. As we read the Bible and meditate on the verses that touch our heart, we’ll be better equipped to correct any faulty thinking that could lead us to dark feelings of anxiety, loneliness, worthlessness, anger, or resentment. Like David, be determined to “dwell in the house of Jehovah for all (your) days.” Continue attending our upbuilding meetings, assemblies, and conventions, where we receive spiritual nourishment and protection. A sister who has traversed various “valley(s) of deep shadow” expressed what helps her to stay focused and to keep on enduring. She said: Depressive thoughts are not trustworthy. They are the product of a treacherous heart that distorts our thinking abilities. But because I trust Jehovah completely, each Bible verse proves to be like a solid stepping stone that enables me to gradually climb out of my many valleys of deep shadow.” Our sister expressed so well how we feel about our loving Shepherd who promises to help us successfully navigate through any valley of deep shadow. Isn’t this a beautiful picture of a shepherd with his sheep? It’s adorned the Governing Body conference room since the 1970’s. It’s a visual reminder of the importance of their work as shepherds. Brother Lösch, a member of the Governing Body since 1994, recently explained what this inspiring painting has meant to him throughout the decades. Enjoy the following video segment.”
Gerrit Losch: This painting in the Governing Body conference room shows the shepherd and his sheep. And the shepherd is caring for the sheep, and they feel, obviously, comfortable and protected. And they do that despite, as you can see in the background, stormy weather. But the sheep feel just fine. In connection with the application in the Bible, the Bible shows that Jehovah God is a shepherd who cares for us as his sheep, but so is Jesus Christ. He is called “the fine shepherd.” And what are shepherds to do? Well, shepherds lead the sheep, feed the sheep, shepherds protect the sheep. But then shepherds also care for injured or ailing sheep. The fact is that all of God’s people are sheep. And so, we have the privilege to all follow the lead of Jehovah and Jesus and the elders and to work together in unity. At the Governing Body meeting, we sometimes look at the picture and we try to apply what is implied in the painting to our work with the congregations and the worldwide flock.”
Ronald: Thank you, Brother Lösch, for sharing those encouraging comments with us. How reassuring it is to know that our loving shepherds on the Governing Body take their responsibility to lead, protect, and feed you, me, and all of Jehovah’s precious sheep very seriously! May we all continue to humbly and obediently follow their lead as we follow closely the lead of our Great Shepherd, Jehovah, and in the footsteps of our Fine Shepherd and King, Jesus. Never forget that Jehovah is not just our Shepherd, he is your Shepherd; he is my Shepherd. With Jehovah, our Shepherd, leading, protecting, and feeding us, we can face the future with complete confidence and echo the words that David used to introduce this beautiful and reassuring psalm, the words contained at Psalm 23:1: Jehovah is my Shepherd. I will lack nothing.” One of the many “valley(s) of deep shadow” that we can pass through is war. Along with physical and emotional strain, it can threaten our loyalty to God’s Kingdom. How can we overcome fear and stand with Jehovah? The following dramatization takes us into the heart of a conflict and is based on the real-life experiences of some of our brothers and sisters.
Luda: Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear no harm, for you are with me.
(Around the table family and guests examine the daily scriptures. The lights flicker, they all glance at one another. A picture falls off the wall. They all rush to the basement. Sat by torchlight.)
Luda: Those words felt new when the fighting started again.
(Back in the home, a sister sweeps the floor and Luda, and another read a publication together)
But the family that took us in was a gift from Jehovah.
(They smile and laugh as they ……Later, Luda reads by the window, she peers out of the window and sees a group of people around the)
While we waited for the trains to start running again, we tried our best to help others.
(She closes her journey and turns to those putting plates on the table)
Sister: They’re nearly finished. I’m going to go help them clean up.
Luda: Okay
(Luda walks in the street alone)
Yakiv: Luda?
Luda: Yakiv.
Yakiv: I know her from school. This is my brother, Pavlo. He protects this whole area. I’m surprised you’re still here.
Luda: You too.
Yakiv: Why? I stayed to help the fight. Where else would I be?”
Luda: Oh, no. I-I just meant
Yakiv: This is our home. Everybody has to do their part to support the war.
(Luda glances down and swallows hard)
Luda: I’m
Yakiv: You’re what?
(Lips pursed she blinks several times)
Yakiv: She’s a Jehovah. They don’t care about the country.
Pavlo: Oh, the cowards. Your people should be shot.
Man: Hey!
Yakiv: Come on, let’s go.
(The group pick up their things and walk away)
Luda: I just froze.”
(Inside, Luda and mum talk)
Luda’s Mum: Fear is natural. We all get afraid. But let’s look at what Jesus told us.
(Mum hands Luda her phone and they look at it together)
Luda: However, when they hand you over, do not become anxious about how or what you are to speak, for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour.
Mum: So, let’s talk about what you can say. Because when you have Jehovah’s thoughts in here,
(She points to her heart)
he will always give you the words when you need them.
(Luda nods and writes in her journal. A helicopter flies over in the darkness of night.)
Today is the day we’ll try to leave. We have brothers and sisters waiting for us. After all these weeks, it may finally happen.
(Luda walks with a crowd of people)
Armed guard 1: Have your tickets and ID ready!
(As she passes the armed guard, she eyes his gun. At the front of the queue Luda has her passport in hand and the guard shines a spotlight on her)
Armed guard: One at a time.
Mum: Go ahead; I’m right behind you.
(Luda glances at her mum then walks through the doorway)
Armed guard 2: Leaving the country?
Luda: Yes. Me, my mother, and my grandma are leaving.
(Officer inspects passports)
Second armed guard: We’re giving priority to the weak and sick. And there’s a lot you can do here. Don’t you care about your country?
(Lud bows her head and closes her eyes)
Luda: I respect our country, but I am loyal to God. I support God’s Kingdom first.
Officer: I think we make you stay. Go back!
Armed guard 2: Hold on.
(Another guard approaches)
Armed guard 3: God’s Kingdom?
(He takes her passport)
Did you say God’s Kingdom?
(Luda nods)
My father, he, he was one of you. I don’t agree with your beliefs.
(With pursed lips, Luda’ head tilts. The guard looks down then he smiles)
But I know you’re good people. So, you and your family, get on the train.
(Luda takes her passport, looks behind her and smiles when she sees her family approach)
Luda: “Do not become anxious . . . for what you are to speak will be given you.” I didn’t know how Jehovah would do it, but I put my trust in him. And he showed me that I have nothing to fear.
(Overhead view of the train traveling towards sunlight)
Ronald: Our Shepherd has promised to give us the right words at the right time. Inscribe his thoughts on your heart now before the trial, and you’ll have nothing to fear. As Joerg began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, God’s thoughts were inscribed on his heart. He needed to make a choice: serve in the army or serve God. How would he find the strength to completely change his life? Let’s see.
(Text: Joerg Webber. United States. People at a funeral)
Joerg: I was born in the northern of Germany. I didn’t have a really good relationship with my father because he drank a lot and very often, he was mean to me.
On the other hand, my mother, really, she was kind and lovely and I can tell you, I loved my mother from the bottom of my heart. One day, the doctors they diagnosed that she has cancer, and only a few days later, she died, and she was gone. And this was for me horrible, I tell you.
(Young Joerg weeps at the cemetery)
I felt completely empty, no hope, angry. I couldn’t understand. Really, I couldn’t get it, how God can be so hurtful to others and take the best of what I had in my life, just take it away.
(Sky view of him walking alone over a bridge)
I hate everything around me. I will never trust anyone. And especially, I lost also the trust completely in God. And, therefore, I decide to go to the German Air Force.
(Amy training)
It started with the basic training.
(They March at night)
So, the idea is we have to follow orders. It doesn’t matter what happens.
(They crawl with guns)
So special training was also hand-to-hand combat. And this gives you a lot of confidence. You think nobody can hurt you once again. You feel very strong.
(Rubs sticks for fire)
I remember a situation: We were outside in the woods, and this was a part of the survival training. I felt indestructible and was very proud of myself.
(The fire grows)
So, a little later on in my military career, I was working with the missile launch crew. One day, I realized that just with one launch of this missile, I could be responsible for to kill thousands of people.
(In a truck deep in thought)
When all this come to my mind, I start to think: ‘Is it possible there is a God existing? ‘And when so, how would he think about my work, what I’m doing here?’ There was in my family my aunt and once told me: Dieter, if someday you would like “to know something more about God, about the Bible, “you have to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses. “They know exactly “what the prophecy is from the Bible, and this can give you hope.” And from then on, I studied the Bible, and also, I came to the meetings with them.
(At the Kingdom Hall)
So, at one meeting, my wife, Elvia, was sitting beside me and I was sure I had to make a big change to be together with these people who love Jehovah God, and I’m still working for the German Air Force. I decide officially to refuse the military service because my conscience bothered me. I felt really confident that this was the right decision to do. So, at that court day (and this was surprising for me), they told me that my request will be rejected.
(In uniform at court)
If I refused to go on with my military service, I will be sent to prison. I really didn’t know what to do, and then I saw that Jehovah took over. My site commander told me: Do you know what? “I have a solution for you. You can appeal the court decision.” He offered me an office job. So, the only thing I what I have to do was paperwork. And the shift from eight hours, I was finished after two hours, I was done with this. Six months (five days a week, six hours a day) I was just studying and studying. I felt not only that I drew closer to Jehovah, I also was convinced now that in the past time I was just relying on myself. I trusted only me. But now I got the opportunity to lay everything what I needed, to Jehovah. Elvia and I, we got really deeply discussions. I in prison and she alone, I was wondering how she could take care of herself. If I have to go to prison, we’d still stick to Jehovah and to his ways.
(The couple pray together)
So as the court day arrived, I asked Jehovah, “Please, Jehovah, give me the strength and also the wisdom and the right words to bring glorifying his name.” After the hearing, the presiding judge told me, “When the decision is made, it will be final.” So back in my unit, the next days they were horrible. One day, my site commander came into my office, and he got a very, very serious face. Wow! I knew what was coming up. I was seeing me already behind the bars. Then, surprising, he told me: Hey, this is sad news for me. “The decision is made. “You are free to go, and I will lose my best officer what I have.” And this moment, wow! I remember the tears comes out. I couldn’t hide it back, and I was so thankful to Jehovah. And I felt, really, it was the best decision I made, to stick to Jehovah and not to man.
(Now older in the ministry)
So, Elvia and I, we dedicate our life completely to Jehovah, and now we got the privilege to serve him almost 50 years together.
(Happy at the Kingdom Hall)
The scripture at Isaiah 40:10, 11 comes really to my mind: Jehovah will come with power . . . Like a shepherd he will care for his flock.” And certainly, he did. It doesn’t matter what Satan ever brings to you. This relying on Jehovah leads always to success.”
Ronald: As Brother Hoecker gradually progressed spiritually, he made decisions to match God’s standards. He specifically asked Jehovah for the power to follow through on his decisions. And we’re happy that with time and Jehovah’s help, he was able to bring his life in harmony with Jehovah’s standards. But what if our choice is not about right or wrong? What if it’s more about choosing from many options? In this episode of Lessons From The Watchtower, see how these young people were able to use Bible principles when choosing employment.
(Lessons from the Watchtower. January 2022 Those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing Psalm 34:10. Emma Auyeung Regular Pioneer. At the table she writes)
Emma: When I first started having some health problems, my biggest concern was my goals.
(She looks at her colourful home-made goal map)
With health situations, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. I’ve had to find a part-time job that is agreeable to my pioneering schedule and to my energy levels.
(Ethan Jamison Regular Pioneer)
“I was offered after high school the opportunity to attend a prestigious university for no cost.
(He reads the Bible)
But Jehovah invites you to rely on him, not to rely on yourself.
(Lauren Jamison Regular Pioneer)
“Growing up, my family didn’t have a lot materially. It caused me to have a tendency to want to rely on myself instead of Jehovah. I realized that I needed to have more trust in Jehovah, and that was going to require working on my faith.”
Emma: The Israelites were given a wonderful provision from Jehovah when they were hungry and in need of food, manna, and they had to show contentment throughout the whole 40 years of them being in the wilderness. It’s not ideal to have to cut back on things for financial reasons. But being OK with it and adapting to it, that shows Jehovah that we’re content with what he’s given us, and it helps us to be able to enjoy life and enjoy our full-time ministry that way.”
Lauren: I appreciated David’s example because he stuck to Jehovah through several trials and each time he saw Jehovah’s hand. And I thought, ‘That must have impressed on him the importance of relying on Jehovah, ‘and it probably helped him to have faith that Jehovah was going to be there again the next time.’
(Photo of couple)
Lauren: We were pioneering in our hometown; we had everything we needed. I was set up with a job where I could work three days a week, and it was the perfect pioneer job. But we wanted something more, so we decided to move where the need was greater in the Chinese field.”
Stephen: I decided to find a part-time job that provided the means necessary to pay for things like food and clothing. But really, it was going to provide me with an opportunity to focus on that service to Jehovah. After some time, I realized that the job I had originally taken was not providing what I needed anymore. A change was necessary.
(He looks at)
(Neighbor’s car)
another opportunity came up to pursue higher education. While I was considering my options, a friend recommended a job that required a little bit of vocational training but would pay to cover my expenses.
(Sat in their car the couple smile at each other)
Psalm 23:1 has absolutely been true for us. There’s never been a moment when we went hungry. There’s never been a moment when we didn’t have what we needed. And challenges have come up, but he’s always led us through those challenges and helped us to overcome them.
(They arrive at the Assembly Hall)
Emma: I was able to find a way to work remotely from home so that I could control my energy level and I could control my own schedule.
(They join friends at a table)
The ministry has been such a comfort since as far back as I can remember. For any trials we face, just going in service, we always come home smiling.
(She hugs sister in return)
For us, it was always, “If you can do it, do it because it will make you happy and will make life more enjoyable.”
Stephen: Working at the Assembly Hall is an enormous privilege. It’s great to work in Jehovah’s organization to see how it works, to receive training. And, at the same time, it’s an opportunity to meet even more people who are all putting Jehovah first.
(Working in the kitchen)
Looking back on it, I realize that Jehovah gave us that time to work for him so that he could show his power to us in a way that was undeniable.
Lauren: When this Watchtower came out, I said, “Everything is true.” Yeah, every single principle, “Taste and see that Jehovah is good,” and ‘Jehovah is my Shepherd; I’ll lack nothing’, it’s all true. My experience in my life has been a testimony to that.
(Image: open magazine. Questions: What can you apply? In what way did the Israelites, David and early Christians lack nothing? Why can I be confident that Jehovah will care for me? How can I prepare for the future?)
Ronald: These young ones have lives filled with purpose and joy and are truly lacking nothing good. And did you notice how they worked in harmony with their prayers? Brother Lett discussed specific ways we can work with Jehovah’s hand in this Morning Worship program.
(Stephen Lett Governing Body)
Stephen: The theme for this discussion is “Jehovah’s Hand Is Awe-Inspiring!” The human hand is an amazing creation.
(A left hand)
It enables us to apply the power of our arm in very dexterous and versatile ways. We can swing a sledgehammer. We can thread a tiny sewing needle. The human hand is far superior to any animal’s hand. One advantage only humans have is an opposing thumb that can easily touch our four other fingers. To illustrate the human hand’s superiority, imagine an ape (whose hand you see here) trying to take a pen and precisely sign his name or trying to throw a curveball with a baseball.
(Ape reaches for peanut)
But as amazing as the human hand is, Jehovah’s hand is far more amazing. In fact, it is awe-inspiring. But what is Jehovah’s hand? Well, here’s one definition: Jehovah’s hand is his ability to apply the great power of his holy spirit in various ways. In fact, let’s discuss four examples of Jehovah using his awe-inspiring hand to apply the great power of his holy spirit. And then after we discuss each one, we’ll comment just briefly on how we can work in harmony with this specific use of Jehovah’s hand. Now let’s go to Proverbs 21, today’s Scripture text. Let’s read it again at Proverbs 21:1: A king’s heart “is like streams of water in Jehovah’s hand. He directs it wherever He pleases.” Now, what is this telling us? Well, in order to accomplish his will, Jehovah can maneuver the heart of any government official to do something or not to do something. Now, here’s one Bible example: Persian King Artaxerxes granted all of Ezra’s requests. Amazingly, he did this about going to Jerusalem and advancing pure worship. Well, what motivated the king’s heart to do this? Ezra knew where the credit belonged. At Ezra 7:27, he said: May Jehovah . . . be praised, who put it into the heart of the king to beautify the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem!” Now, that’s just one Bible example of many that could be discussed. But now our question, how can we work in harmony with this use of Jehovah’s hand? Well, for one thing, we can pray, if it be Jehovah’s will, that he maneuver the hearts of government officials to make decisions that will benefit Jehovah’s people. We can also pray for Jehovah to move the hearts of officials to treat our imprisoned brothers kindly. And that’s in harmony with Hebrews 13:3, which is a beautiful scripture: Keep in mind those in prison, as though you were imprisoned with them.” Now, isn’t that interesting? “Keep in mind those in prison, as though you were imprisoned with them.” Now, let’s go to Isaiah 41, and we’ll get our second example of how Jehovah can use his hand. At Isaiah 41:10, the B part, Jehovah says: I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness.” Then look at verse 13: For I, Jehovah your God, “am grasping your right hand, “the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’” Now, interestingly, this scripture is not talking about Jehovah taking his right hand and grabbing our left hand, as would be true in walking side by side. But rather, Jehovah takes his right hand and grabs our right hand, as would be true of Jehovah pulling us up and out of a pit. So, what do we learn from this? That Jehovah can rescue us from any situation, no matter how hopeless, how desperate, it might seem. But now our question, how can we work in harmony with this specific use of Jehovah’s hand? Well, for one thing, we can supplicate Jehovah to rescue us in time of test, trial, temptation. And then we can avail ourselves of the help that comes our way, in effect, reaching out with our right hand and grasping Jehovah’s right hand. But now, let’s go to Psalm 145 our third example. Psalm 145:16, of Jehovah, it says: You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” Now, what is this telling us? Well, Jehovah can use his hand to express tremendous generosity. It’s true that this scripture will be completely fulfilled in the new world. But even now, Jehovah freely uses his hand to express generosity. He is the most magnanimous Giver in the universe, nothing stingy or tightfisted about Jehovah. He gives emotionally, he gives materially, especially spiritually. The ground we walk on, the food we eat, the air we breathe, all come from Jehovah. That makes me think of the atheist who arrogantly said: I don’t need God. “I don’t need anybody. I don’t need anything.” And then he took a deep breath. How shortsighted indeed! But now our question is, how can we work in harmony with this use of Jehovah’s hand? Well, by being generous toward others, being willing to give unstintingly of our time, energy, resources. And think about this: If we are closefisted with others, not only are we not imitating our generous God as beloved children, but Jehovah can’t put anything in our hand.
(A closed fist)
On the other hand, if we’re openhanded
(An open hand)
with others, now Jehovah can put something in our hand. Well, let’s identify one more way Jehovah uses his hand. Let’s go to Exodus chapter 15, please, and verse 6, the B part: Your right hand, O Jehovah, can shatter an enemy.” What do we learn? It reminds us of how many times in the past Jehovah has used his hand to smash to irreparable pieces his enemies. And it assures us he will do so in an even more awe-inspiring way in the near future. During the great tribulation, Jehovah will use his hand to maneuver many of the wicked to actually use their physical hands to slaughter each other. And then he will use his hand to wield the forces of nature, to use the immortal Christ, the immortal 144,000, the mighty angels. He will use them to sweep away, sweep out of existence, the rest of the wicked along with this entire wicked system. How can we work in harmony with this use of Jehovah’s hand? Well, one way, very important, we can work hard to help people take a stand with Jehovah, learn the truth so that they don’t have to be removed by Jehovah’s almighty hand. And this brings great delight to Jehovah when we do this because Jehovah takes no delight in even “the death of the wicked.” But what he takes delight in is that ‘someone wicked turns back from his way and keeps living.’ Well, we have now discussed four ways Jehovah can use his awe-inspiring hand: maneuver government officials according to his will, rescue his people, give generously, shatter his enemies. Now, the Bible does describe many other ways Jehovah uses his hand. So why not make identifying some of these other ways a future study project? I’ll give you a little bit of homework. But may all of us be determined to use our physical and figurative hand to always work in harmony with Jehovah’s awe-inspiring hand.
Ronald: Jehovah’s hand truly is awe-inspiring. It has done and will do amazing things. It will lead us “to tranquil waters” even if our lives feel like a raging sea. This month’s music video is an uplifting reminder of the peace we can have now thanks to our Shepherd.
Music Lyrics: I open my eyes to the bluest skies that I’ve ever seen before. There’s nothing to fear, and ev’ryone is here. Come on out; let’s go explore. Let’s climb the highest mountaintop and take it all in. Every single gift we have Jehovah’s given. But for now, we will wait for that day when we will raise our heads and lift our voices when this old world’s behind. When Jehovah opens up his hands, imagine what we’ll find In the real life! Hands in the dirt, building a whole new earth, we’ve been given a new start. Joy in the air, people laughing ev’rywhere and the sound fills up my heart. No one will ever make you cry, except the good kind. This Paradise lights up your smile, and it shines; it shines. And we will raise our heads and lift our voices when this old world’s behind. When Jehovah opens up his hands, imagine what we’ll find In the real life! But for now, I’ll keep this picture safe and sound in my mind. Soon will come the day that we’ve been waiting for all our lives. When we will raise our heads and lift our voices when this old world’s behind. When Jehovah opens up his hands, imagine what we’ll find! We will raise our heads and lift our voices when this old world’s behind. When Jehovah opens up his hands, imagine what we’ll find in the real life! We will find, we will find the real life. We will find, we will find the real life. We will find, we will find the real life. We will find, we will find the real life.
Ronald: Soon will come the day when every one of Jehovah’s sheep will experience goodness all their days. Until then, what must we do? Stay in the Shepherd’s warm embrace. In his arms, he protects us from dangers, small and large. In his pastures, he feeds us nourishing spiritual food so that we have the strength to make a stand. With his hand, he gives generously so that we lack nothing good. Before we conclude, let’s visit Liechtenstein, located between Switzerland and Austria. It may be long in name, but it’s small in size. As the sixth smallest country in the world, it has a population of just over 39,000 people. Despite being flanked by snowy mountains on the east and south, the cities in the valleys below enjoy a comfortable climate because of the warm air called foehn winds flowing downward from the summits. If you’re interested in trekking the rugged terrain, be sure to have a hearty meal beforehand. You can try Ribel, a traditional dish made with cornmeal and served with applesauce, making it a filling and hearty snack. The 95 publishers here trek the country and dispense nourishing spiritual food along the way, and they also make a small journey to Switzerland for their meetings. The closest Kingdom Hall is right along the border. Although most of the population is Roman Catholic, our brothers still average 26 Bible studies. But the path to preaching has not always been smooth. Our history of preaching is full of uphill battles. Starting in the 1920’s, the government would try to arrest anyone distributing our literature, whether it was from house to house or even by letter. At one point, all the publishers preaching in the country were arrested and detained on a bus. What did they do? They sang out to Jehovah! Undeterred and with dictators rising to power in the 1930’s, they courageously used the pamphlet Fascism or Freedom. Though persecution was rampant, they were unstoppable. Like the warm winds blowing in from the mountains, the love of our brothers and sisters can be felt everywhere. It’s seen in their regular Family Worship evenings, before and after the meetings, and in their singing to Jehovah. And they wish to send that love to you, the worldwide brotherhood. From the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, this is JW Broadcasting.
(Logo: Black capital letters inside a white box. Copyright 2024 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)

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