Transcripts: Become Jehovah's Friend. Video Lessons
Don't Give Up (With Audio Description) (1:35)
Jesus continued to preach when some didn’t listen, and you can too!

Transcript: Lesson 44: Don't Give Up
[Lesson 44 Don't Give Up. Galatians 6:9]
Sophia: Hi, I'm Sophia. I have a great video about God's promise for the earth.
Woman: Oh sweetheart, thank you. I'm not interested.
[Sophia's smile fades, she lowers her tablet. At another door.]
Caleb: And you can read the Bible and watch videos.
Man: I'm really busy, kid.
[The door shuts so hard; it blows the contact card out of Caleb's hand. The kids get in the car with sad faces.]
Caleb: Can we take a break?
Sophia: Yeah.
Mom: A break already?
[Dad and Mom look at his watch then at the kids. Caleb slouches in his seat. Sophia looks down.]
Dad: A break might be nice, but before we go. Do you remember when Jesus preached, did everybody listen to him?
[They imagined Jesus preaching to a group]
Caleb: No!
[Some people walk away from him]
Mom: So, why didn't Jesus give up?
[Some stay to listen]
Sophia: Because he wanted everyone to hear the good news.
[Jesus smiles at them]
Dad: That's right. So, how about we each try another house.
[Back to Sophia and Caleb. With grins they nod. With Mom, Sophia knocks at a door. With Dad, Caleb rings the doorbell. A boy from his school peaks out the window. Caleb's eyes widen.]
Caleb: Oh, hi Chuck.
[Caleb waves hello]
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