Transcripts: Become Jehovah's Friend. Video Lessons
Obey Your Parents (With Audio Description) (6:12)
Why should we obey our parents? Watch as Caleb learns why this is important.

Transcript: Animated Series: Lesson 1. Obey Your Parents
[Lesson 1. Obey Your Parents. Bright sunshine peaks through fluffy white clouds. An airplane catapults into the sky, whizzing through the clouds. A small brown haired boy Caleb mans the cockpit. A red light flashes in the cockpit. The boy whacks the gauge. They plunge to the earth below. Crash into the green grass. Caleb picks up the toy airplane, he holds it up high running through the yard. Mom in the living room, scrubs the floor on her hands and knees. She stands up, brushes her forehead and sighs. She leans out the front door]
Mom: Caleb! Time for dinner! I just cleaned the house. So, remember, take your shoes off!
Caleb: OK, Mom! We’re clear for landing!
Dad: Caleb!
[Caleb runs through the front door into the living room, he stops, looks down at his muddy footprints, he drops his head, then his airplane]
Did Mommy tell you to take off your shoes?
Caleb: Yes.
Dad: Mmmmmm. Mom worked very hard to clean the house today.
[Dad kneels by Caleb]
How will she feel when she sees this?
[Caleb frowns and imagines]
Caleb: I’m sorry, Daddy.
Dad: I know, I know. Let’s clean this up together.
[They scrub the floor with a yellow sponge]
So that was a lot of work, right?
Caleb: Yeah.
Dad: You know, if you had listened to Mommy, you wouldn’t have had to do all that work.
[Dad kneeling by Caleb]
My son, when we tell you to do something, it’s because we love you. We want the best for you.
[Dad reaches for a Bible]
Remember what we learned in family worship? It is here in Ephesians. What chapter is that?
Caleb: Six?
Dad: Right! Very good. This is what Jehovah wants you to do. ‘Children,’ that’s you, Caleb, ‘be obedient to your parents . . . that it may go well with you.’ That’s why you should always listen to Mommy and Daddy.
[Caleb smiles and nods yes]
Mom: Dinner’s ready! Come and eat!
Dad: Come on, let’s go get some food!
Caleb: OK, Dad!
[Dad picks up Caleb, tosses him in the air, then catches him. Later, Caleb plays on the living room floor with toy trucks and blocks]
Caleb: Move it over here! OK! Beep, beep, beep. OK, stop! What? Beep, beep, beep. Hey, you almost hit me! Sorry! Release the marbles!
[Mom glares at the toys all over]
Mom: What a mess! Caleb, it is time for family worship. Get your book. And pick up all these marbles. Someone could get hurt.
[Mom walks away. Caleb looks around at the mess, sighs, drops his arms and shoulders, his head sinks. Walking through the mess, Caleb kicks aside the truck and toys. He picks up his stuffed bear and a block, holding the bear in one arm, he tosses the block behind, leaving the toys on the floor. Suddenly, he stops]
Dad: Always listen to Mommy and Daddy.
[He imagines Dad coming down the stairs, stepping on the toys. The whole house shakes. Caleb’s parents glare at him. Furniture turned over and a broken tv on the floor. Caleb stands over the broken tv holding his bear. A spark spools out the tv landing on the bear, the bear goes poof into a cloud of smoke. Back to reality, Caleb turns around, walks back to the mess of toys and begins to pick them up. His Mom comes round the corner and smiles as she watches him put them away]
Mom: Thank you! I’m so proud of you for obeying.
[She kisses Caleb]
Now, let’s hurry up, your sister and Dad are waiting for us.
[At the kitchen table]
Dad: Sophia, what do you see in this picture? Oh good, now everybody’s here! Let’s say a prayer to begin family worship.
[They all bow their heads]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2013 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]