Transcripts: Organizational Accomplishments
Organizational Accomplishments: Principles of Divine Oversight (With Audio Description) (8:26)

Transcript: Organizational Accomplishments. Principles of Divine Oversight
[A white line runs across a black screen then expands into a banner of six circular images featuring theocratic activities. Personnel Committee Report. Principles of Divine Oversight. Mark Scott]
Mark: Jehovah’s people are hard at work. As our organization continues to expand, the need to identify and train qualified brothers as overseers grows. The February 2024 study edition of The Watchtower explained: “For decades the brothers of the Governing Body “have been training men from among the other sheep to take the lead.” For example, they have organized many schools to train elders, traveling overseers, Branch Committee members, overseers at Bethel, and others. In harmony with these efforts, at the 2022 annual meeting, it was announced that there would be a new school, Principles of Divine Oversight. This program would train Bethel and construction overseers as well as younger brothers with good potential to follow the divine pattern of oversight exemplified by our God, Jehovah, and his Son and our King, Jesus Christ. Let’s take an in-depth look at this upbuilding course.
Wayne: The four-and-a-half-day curriculum includes recorded lectures from members of the Governing Body and insightful comments from seasoned overseers from around the world.
[Wayne Smith]
It also includes 12 stimulating workshops, and these workshops allow brothers in class to be able to just interact together and have some very lively discussions.
[Ian Kleinsmith]
Ian: Those 12 workshops are divided into 3 sections: Select, Train, Trust. So, yes, while the school is aimed at helping an overseer to improve his personal skills, he must also be able to do those three things. He must be able to select, identify brothers who have potential for the future; train them, have a plan and implement the training plan; and then trust them by assigning them responsible tasks and sharing his experience with them.
[Brother Nxumalo]
Sphumelele: When you get to the workshop discussions, despite that inadequacy, what you see is that all the brothers are feeling the same. And you get an opportunity to talk to more experienced brothers, and you see that they’re facing the same thing as you. So those discussions really were opportunities for us to sharpen each other and keep each other going.
Wayne: Along with engaging discussions, there are 70 true-to-life videos. They provide good and not-so-good examples of oversight in action, and it covers a broad section of Bethel and construction settings.
[Scenes from the videos]
The videos range from dealing with feelings of being overwhelmed
[Looking down, a brother shakes his head]
to shepherding remote volunteers and commuters
[Three brothers around a table]
to delegating, like Jehovah and Jesus Christ.
[At a desk, two brothers review a document]
Mark: In addition to overseers and assistant overseers, young brothers with fine potential are invited to attend as well. Why cast a wide net to include in the school younger brothers who are not yet assigned as overseers?
[Luke Saladino]
Luke: Young brothers are being asked to take on more responsibility at a younger age. Enrolling them in PDO gives them the tools that they need to be successful in the assignments that they’re given. The recommendation was for overseers, for assistant overseers, of course, to be invited but younger brothers, inexperienced brothers, are also asked to attend, and so you have a nice mix. You have a mix of experience. You have a mix of inexperience. And what that does is it gives you a well-rounded class and it just leads to a good learning experience all around.
Baruch: Because of my limited experience, at first, I was shocked to see that I was invited. But getting to see how Jehovah was investing in me, really encouraged me to want to put forth more effort and try to give back to the organization.
[Baruch Candeloro]
Mark: Even though customs may vary from country to country, divine principles of oversight are universal, applying in every land. How have the students benefited, and what have been the results at the branches?
[John Harker]
John: The class helped me to appreciate that to accomplish my assignment well, it’s not just about hitting deadlines or accomplishing the work. More is involved with that. It really highlighted that Jehovah’s priority was always the welfare of his people. So that should be my priority, the people. So, people come before things like efficiency or productivity, and the class taught me there are lots of things I can improve on things like helping the brothers and sisters to enjoy their assignment more, things like training and delegation, and just getting to know the brothers and sisters better (their personal circumstances) and supporting them. Because when the brothers and sisters are happy, then the work takes care of itself.
[Ashika Chetty]
Ashika: It’s always been good to work with my overseer, but after he went to the PDO School, it’s become even better to work with him. One thing I’ve noticed after the PDO School is the way he handles queries. He takes time to listen to me and he listens to the words that I’m saying and even the emotions that I’m showing. And then he asks, “What do you think we can do?” I know with my overseer that I am trusted, and he values my opinion because a lot of times he uses it. And even if he doesn’t use it, the way he listens to me makes me feel that I am valued.
Sphumelele: Usually, for people to go and learn oversight or learn management, it’s lots of books and years of studying. To put all of that into one week was really what made the school special.
Baruch: I appreciated seeing the priorities of a good overseer, someone who’s focused on not only the work and the assignment but more focused on the people and following Jehovah’s example of shepherding and then training those under direct oversight.
Ian: I appreciated the emphasis placed on an overseer being a loving shepherd. The people are the most important resources in his department. They are the only assets that Jesus died for.
Luke: Brothers are able to adjust their mindset toward their role as overseers, toward their role as shepherds both at Bethel in their departments and in the congregations that they serve in. This school is clearly a tool that Jehovah is using to help us, not just to fulfil our responsibilities right now or today, but it’s a tool that Jehovah is going to continue to use into the new world as we fulfil our responsibilities then.
Mark: Blessings are not only seen in individual departments but radiate outward, bringing refreshment to the branches and spreading to the entire brotherhood.
[Class photos]
Jehovah promised at Isaiah 60:17: “Instead of the copper I will bring in gold, and instead of the iron I will bring in silver, instead of the wood, copper, and instead of the stones, iron; and I will appoint peace as your overseers and righteousness as your task assigners.” By mentioning “overseers” and “task assigners,” Jehovah foretold that gradual improvements would come in the way his people were cared for and organized. Principles of Divine Oversight is a powerful tool to ensure that loving oversight continues to be provided at Bethel and for theocratic construction projects around the world. In a very tangible way, we see evidence of the Governing Body’s determination to train qualified brothers of the other sheep to provide guidance for Jehovah’s people, even after the last of the anointed are taken to heaven. We thank Jehovah for refining his people whom he has chosen to take the lead.
(Logo inside a White box. Black capital letters JW.ORG. Copyright 2024 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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