Transcripts: Become Jehovah's Friend. Video Lessons
Please and Thank You (With Audio Description) (1:43)
Caleb learns some very important words.

Transcript: Animated Series: Lesson 6: Please and Thank You
[Animated series. Lesson 6: Please and Thank You. Genesis 15:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:18]
(Image of a lettuce, cheese, and tomato sandwich)
[Caleb is in the garden, kicking a purple ball in the air with his foot and head. He catches the ball and kicks it high into the sky. Caleb’s distracted as his stomach growls. The ball lands on his head. After he rubs his head, he places his hands on his stomach. Caleb’s empty mouth starts chewing as he imagines a sandwich]
Dad: Heh, heh. It looks like Caleb is getting hungry. Let’s see how Caleb asks his mom for food.
[Caleb runs into the kitchen]
Caleb: Mom, I need food now! I’m Hungry!
Mom: Caleb!
Dad: Hmmmm, do you think that was the best way to ask for food?
Audience: Noooooooo!
Dad: Let’s give Caleb a second chance and listen to what special word he uses this time
[Image rewinds. Caleb walks into the kitchen, looks up at his mom and clasps his hands together]
Caleb: Mom, can you please make me something to eat?
Mom: Awwwh, yes, sweetie. I’m gonna make you the best sandwich ever.
[Big smiles]
Dad: That’s much better. That word “please” makes all the difference. Even Jehovah uses the word “Please.”
[Sandwich appears]
Now that you got what you asked for Caleb, what do you say?
Caleb: Thank you, Mommy.
Dad: Very good! Always remember to say “please” and “thank you”!
[He nods]
And don’t forget to thank Jehovah.
[Caleb closes his eyes to pray]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2013 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]