Transcripts: Apply Bible Principles
“Put Away” Peace Wreckers (With Audio Description) (13:06)

Transcript: “Put Away” Peace Wreckers
[Daytime in a Kingdom Hall]
Alister: Put away from yourselves every kind of malicious bitterness, anger, wrath, screaming, and abusive speech, as well as everything injurious. Did anyone start the day thinking, l believe I’ll show malicious bitterness to my brother today’? Of course not. And yet the potential is there, isn’t it? [Alister gives a talk]
But genuine affection fights peace wreckers. And affection grows when we really know our brothers and sisters well.
[In the audience]
We remember their joys and pains,
their selfless zeal,
[Emily and Jake]
how they came to love Jehovah,
and what they endure. [After the meeting Haley talks on her phone]
I’ll get back as soon as I can. Love you. Bye. Oh, no!
[As she quickly gathers her things and rushes out Celia call’s out to her]
Celia: Haley, love?
Haley: So sorry, I’ve got to run.
Emily: OK. I’ll ring you about this week.
Haley: Thanks. Love you both. See you!
[Celia turns back to Emily calendars in hand. Haley opens a door]
Haley: Nana!
Nana: Hello, Haley, darling. I’m so, so sorry.
[Nana looks at the floor]
Haley: Oh, it’s not too bad.
[Haley pats Nana’s knee]
I’ve got this.
Nana: Oh.
Hayley: How are you though?
Nana: Thank you. I’m so sorry.
Haley: Oh, poor thing. Let me clear this up.
[Kneeling she picks up a broken plate of food. Later that day she assembles earrings. Washes dishes. After dinner she clears Nana’s plate as Nana opens her pill box Haley points at one of the compartments]
It’s Sunday today, isn’t it?
[By the light of the lamp Haley place’s Nana’s meds in her pill box. She tucks Nana into bed]
Nana:Thank you,
Haley: Sleep well.
[She kisses her forehead then turns off the light by her bed. In Haley’s room. Seated in front of a mirror, she sees messy hair and tired eyes. With a brush she starts applying makeup to her cheeks. Makeup complete hair done, and clothes changed she replaces the mirror with a ring light. With her phone on a tripod, she taps the red record button, then puts it in front of the light. Appearing refreshed she adjusts her hair and takes a beep breath]
Haley: Hello, everyone. Haley from DeNure Design here, helping you to be effortlessly elegant. I want to welcome my new followers and thank everyone for subscribing to this channel.
[In Emily and Jakes living room]
So first up, I’ve got this gorgeous earring and necklace set.
[Emily sits on her sofa and watches Haley social media post on her phone she taps Jakes arm]
Emily: Can you believe her?
Haley: And as you can see,
Jake: Haley’s business feed?
[Mouth agape she emphatically points towards her phone with her free hand. Unfazed Jake grabs the remote and turns on the tv. Emily grimaces at her phone]
Haley: Because as you know, when you look this good, you feel great.
[Back to Haley she grabs the tripod and stops recording. In a cafe a barista taps coffee grounds into a metal filter. He places 2 drinks on the counter next to the cash register. At a table Celia places a tray with pastry, and 2 cups in front of Emily. As Celia sits down across from her Emily stares at her phone with a frown]
Emily: Really?
Celia: Bad news?
[She hands it Celia showing Haley’s social media post]
Celia: She’s a sweetie. It reminds me that I want to speak to her about a necklace.
Emily: You too? You don’t think she’s showing off?
Celia: No.
Emily: Everyone thinks she’s “Miss Wonderful” she’s starting to agree.
[Grimacing she takes the phone back]
Celia: Is this just about Haley?
[Then raises her eyebrows and points at it]
Emily: It seems it’s all about Haley.
[Celia looks down thoughtful]
Celia: Your tea is getting cold.
[Then nods toward the tray]
Emily: And you’re changing the subject.
Celia: No, but you’ve brought this up before. What is it?
[Emily pushes her plate aside]
You’re friends, you pioneer together.
Emily: Yeah, and that’s why I’m concerned.
[She picks up a stirrer and swirls her tea]
Celia: Concern is good,
[Celia leans in]
but is there just a little bit of envy in there?
[Emily looks up from her cup at Celia then down again]
You pioneer together.
Emily: I know, and that’s why I’m concerned.
[In the cafe]
Celia: Concern is good,
[Celia sits opposite Emily]
but is there just a little bit of envy in there?
[Emily abruptly stops stirring her tea]
Emily: I thought you would understand.
[Hurt she looks up at Celia]
Celia: I think I understand your feelings.
Emily: But not about Haley?
Celia: I haven’t seen all her posts. There’s nothing immoral, is there?
[Celia leans in]
Emily: No.
Celia: Good. That’s not like her.
[Emily stares at her tea]
Now, if it’s a case of her being more careful how she comes across, that’s another matter. Why don’t you talk to her?
[Emily weakly shake’s her head than starts stirring her tea again]
Emily: Maybe.
Celia: Emily, you are a beautiful, spiritual sister.
[Folding her arms Emily purses her lips]
You know,
[Then looks up attentively]
for years,
[Celia places her hand to her heart]
I had a bad habit of comparing myself to others. My own insecurity hurt me, and my closest friends.
[Absorbed in thought Emily slightly furrows her brow than lowers her eyes. In their living room Emily puts dinner on the coffee table and sits on the sofa with Jake]
Emily: So, you don’t think I should’ve spoken to Celia?
Jake: No, I’m glad you asked Celia about it, someone you trust.
[They face each other]
What did she say?
Emily: Well, she definitely understands how I feel.
Jake: Good.
[Tenderly looking at her Jake gently nods]
And about Haley’s posts?
Emily: Well, she hasn’t seen everything she has out there.
Jake: Hmm.
[Emily squirms in her seat]
Emily: She did say that Haley needs to be more careful how she comes across.
[Jake puts his glass down on the coffee table]
Jake: What did she suggest?
Emily: That I should tell her that she needs to stop, but I’m too worked up.
[He place’s his hand on her knee]
Jake: Look,
[With a wrinkled brow he enquires]
if Celia agrees that Haley is doing something she shouldn’t, you should talk to her.
[Looking down she bites her lip and nods knowingly]
You’ll find the right time.
[With an uneasy smile she turns her eyes to Jake then to the food on the coffee table]
Emily: Thanks for understanding. I’m hungry. Can you say the prayer?
Jake: Sure.
[She fidgets with her fingers then joins Jake in prayer]
Jehovah, we’d like to praise you for your generosity and kindness. Can you believe that?
[Jake, Marie, and Harry]
Especially as a pioneer,
[In the Kingdom Hall]
what kind of example is she setting?
Marie: Has Emily stopped following her?
Jake: No, not yet, but she probably will. Alistair, what do you think?
[Alister steps closer]
Alister: About what?
Jake: Haley’s posts on QuicPost.
[He looks at them puzzled]
Alister: Is there a problem?
[Jake gestures mockingly]
Jake: Emily has told me they’re all just, look at me, my clothes, my hair, my makeup. And even Celia agrees with her.
[Alister glances at Harry and Marie)
Alister: Well,
[Then at Jake]
it’s very easy to take things out of context on social media. I know that I’ve done that and realized later that I was wrong.
[Harry nods and chimes in]
Harry: Yeah, that’s a good point.
Alister: Listen, I don’t want to pull you away, but if you have a minute, would you mind giving me a hand with these boxes?
Jake: Sure.
[Alister points to a stack of cardboard boxes in front of the literature display. In the Kingdom Hall parking lot, he hands Jake a box to place in the back of a car]
Alister: Thanks for your help.
Jake: No problem.
Alister: Jake, back in the hall, I know you were just expressing concern, but here’s something to consider. This principle is one of my favorites.
[Jake scratches his head]
It’s found at Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 17.
[Alister hands him his phone]
Jake: “The first to state his case seems right, until the other party comes and cross-examines him.”
[Confused Jake raises his eyebrows and gives Alister a side glance]
I’m not sure I understand.
Alister: It just means that sometimes we only hear one side of a story. And until we personally hear both, it’s best not to draw any conclusions. And even then, if it’s something negative, we wouldn’t want to spread it any more than we’d want something spread about ourselves.
[Jake slowly nods]
Jake: I guess I hadn’t considered that. Thanks. I’m going to apologize to Harry and Marie
[He looks back toward the Kingdom Hall]
and have Emily talk directly to Haley.
Alister: Good idea.
[They head inside. Day time in a Kingdom Hall parking lot Haley sits in her car and applies makeup]
Haley: Yes, Nana?
Nana: Don’t forget eggs, dear.
Haley: No, no, I didn’t forget.
Nana: Are you sure, love?
Haley: No, I won’t forget.
Nana: OK. Thank you so much.
Haley: OK. Love you. Bye.
[She removes her phone from its mount throws a scarf into her bag and steps out]
Oh no
[She stoops down to pick up her phone, screen cracked. Emily approaches]
Emily: Haley, finally, I’ve caught you. Do you have a minute?
Haley: Hi, Emily. Can we talk later? I’m really struggling this morning.
Emily: You know, it’s just that you’ve been so busy, and I’ve been waiting for the right moment, I’d really just like to address it.
[Haley looks up from her phone]
Haley: OK. What’s up?
Emily: It’s just that I’ve noticed your posts lately on QuicPost.
Haley: What about them?
Emily: Well, do you really think they’re something that a pioneer should be posting?
Haley: What? What are you talking about?
Emily: Some people might think you’re bragging.
Haley: Some people? What people? It’s a business account. I’ve got to show off my products.
Emily: I know. I get that. It’s just, I don’t know. It could feel like you’re drawing a little too much attention to yourself.
Haley: Who would think like that? You?
Emily: No, not just me, Celia felt the same.
Haley: You spoke to Celia about this?
Emily: I didn’t want to upset you. Jake said that I needed to talk
Haley: Jake! So, everyone thinks my posts are inappropriate?
Emily: Not everyone, Haley. That’s not what I am saying at all.
Haley: You are such a Wow! I can’t believe you. Who else have you spoken to? You are just such a gossip!
Emily: I’m not gossiping. I was trying to
Haley: You are!
Emily: I’m just trying to help you, if you would just listen to me.
Haley: You’re so jealous!
Emily: If you’d just listen to me.
Haley: Oh yeah, listen to this.
[Haley bumps into her and storms off]
And I expected more from you.
Celia: Haley, what are you talking about?
Haley: Gossiping about my posts! Are you that lonely that you’ve got nothing better to do?
[Eyes narrowed she stares Celia down Celia’s hands drop]
Celia: Haley,
[She stands stunned, then runs after her]
wait please
[Emily watches from afar mouth agape]
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For the video with Audio Description click the link below: