Transcripts: Tools for the Ministry
Remember Jesus' Death (With Audio Description) (1:41)

Transcript: Remember Jesus Death
Presenter: Imagine a world filled with peace,
[A waterfall in a lush rainforest]
free of suffering,
[Children run on along a shoreline]
an abundance of food for all,
[Friends around a bounteous table]
and life in perfect health.
[As waves roll onto a beach, a young couple strolls hand in hand]
But how can this beautiful future be possible? Because of what Jesus did for us.
[Onlookers watch Jesus drag his torture stake]
He came to earth for a purpose.
[Soldiers sink the stake into the ground]
He gave his life for those he loved. The night before he died, Jesus asked that we commemorate his sacrifice.
[Jesus at the Lord’s evening meal]
He said: Keep doing this in remembrance of me.
[Text: Luke 22:19, New World Translation]
On the anniversary of his death, people around the world will gather to remember him.
[Scenes of the memorial worldwide]
Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you and your family to attend the Memorial of Jesus’ death.
[An audience holds Bibles]
At that meeting, you will find out why his sacrifice was so important and how his promises affect you.
[They pass unleavened bread]
To learn more on what the Bible says on this, and many other topics go to JW.org.
[A Bible opens and computer icons pop up then transforms into the JW icon.
(Logo inside a White box. Black capital letter JW.ORG. Produced by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Wallkill, New York, U.S.A. Copyright 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: