Transcripts: Apply Bible Principles
Safeguard Our “Uniting Bond of Peace”! (With Audio Description) (4:46)

Transcript: Safeguard Our “Uniting Bond of Peace”!
[A Buddhist temple in front of Mount Fuji]
Shiro: In Japan, religious rituals are associated with each stage of life and with each season of the year.
[Shiro Hayasaki Japan]
Shiro: As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we want to keep the cleanliness and unity of the congregation. In this regard, one of the most delicate areas is the decision on whether to attend a non-Witness funeral or not. The first thing we must consider on funerals is not to be involved in religious rituals and acts of worship that are condemned by the Bible.
[Three golden Buddhas]
In harmony with the principle at 2 Corinthians 6:14, we need to keep completely separate from pagan acts of worship.
(Text: Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. 2 Corinthians 6:14.)
Next, even if we don’t participate in the worship of other religions, we need to consider if our decisions could stumble someone in the congregation.
[A drawing of a man with a millstone hung around his neck]
When we consider the Bible principle at Luke 17:2, we do not want our decisions to hinder the faith of someone in the congregation.
(Text: It would be more advantageous for him if a millstone were hung from his neck, than for him to stumble one of these little ones. Luke 17:2)
The third point to think about is our conscience.
[A woman smiles as she prays.]
We need to seriously think about the Bible principle in Galatians 6:5, where it says that each must “carry his own load.”
(Text: Each one will carry his own load. Galatians 6:5)
This Bible principle also applies when elders want to support others.
[Two brothers visit a sister.]
Of course, those in the congregation can ask the elders for support in issues related to funerals.
[She grips her handkerchief]
However, in matters of conscience, elders cannot force decisions on others.
[They open their Bibles]
So, it would be wrong to make some kind of rule regarding attending non-Witness funerals. If each person can make decisions based on Bible principles, we can have a truly peaceful and free atmosphere where each individual’s differing situation is respected.
[At night the sister looks at her Bible and tablet]
This would really contribute to the unity of the congregation. And all can maintain a clean conscience and serve happily before Jehovah.
[Monica Hogel. Namibia]
Monica: In my culture, specifically the Namibian Oshiwambo culture, like in many African cultures, there are many spiritistic customs related to weddings that are included in wedding celebrations. Unfortunately, my family is not in the truth. So obviously, for Ben and I, that was one of the main concerns. They don’t understand our worship of Jehovah, and they don’t understand that we apply Bible principles and not the traditions of men. We got engaged before the pandemic, but obviously, now that our wedding was to be over videoconferencing, it meant that we didn’t have control over many things. We tried to imagine situations that could stumble our brothers or disrupt the unity in the congregation.
[In a videoconference people disconnect as a woman waves a horsetail]
We had to, in advance, think of Bible principles that would apply in our case, but particularly what we also found helpful was speaking to a mature elder. He gave us a principle in Proverbs 14:15.
(Text: The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step. Proverbs 14:15)
He told us to be very careful when people say, “I will do this” or “I won’t do this” at your wedding. Basically, it was up to us to make sure that the proceedings or things that happen at our wedding would be in order and in harmony with Bible principles. Another principle that came to mind was 1 Corinthians 10:23.
(Text: All things are lawful, but not all things are advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things build up. 1 Corinthians 10:23)
So obviously, we knew that we had the right to do many things, but we were also very conscious of how our brothers would view our wedding. We didn’t want anybody to be at our wedding and feel embarrassed or even stumbled to be there.
[On their wedding day.]
Now looking back at our wedding, we look back with fond memories.
[The guests on screen dance.]
So, applying Bible principles doesn’t restrict our fun.
[The couple dance too.]
Also, it contributed to the unity among our brothers because all of us, those present, those who were invited, were able to enjoy the wedding. You’re not worried about ‘Oh, did that thing offend anybody?’ So, you’re able to enjoy the day without any bad memories.
[Their fingers interlace in a slow dance.]
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