Transcripts: Apply Bible Principles
“Seek Peace and Pursue It” (With Audio Description) (11:23)

Transcript: Seek peace and Pursue It.
Haley: And I expected more from you.
[Hayley to Celia]
Celia: Haley what are you talking about?
Hayley: Gossiping about my posts. Are you that lonely that you’ve got nothing better to do?
[In the Kingdom Hall parking lot Hayley stares Celia down]
Celia: Haley
[Then storms off. Celia’s hands drop. She stands stunned]
Celia: Wait, please,
[Then runs after her]
I don’t know what’s happening.
Haley: Did you talk to Emily about my posts?
[Haley gestures wildly]
Celia: Yes, we did.
Haley: So, you gossiped about me.
Celia: No, I would
Haley: I looked up to you
Celia: I would never
Haley: You’re supposed to be the mature one, and you’re just like Emily busy running your mouth.
Celia: Haley
[Celia steps back]
Look I can see you’re upset, but trust me, this is a huge misunderstanding.
[She comes closer and tries to catch Hayley’s eye and rests her hand on her shoulder]
I love you. I would never ever say anything behind your back. So please calm down.
[Haley dishevelled and at the point of tears, avoids Celia’s eyes]
Haley: Sometimes I just feel so alone, between Nana and work.
[Celia gently strokes Haley’s arm]
And then knowing all of you are talking about me.
Celia: I promise that’s not what happened. You’re just really tired and overwhelmed,
[Haley stares at the ground]
So why don’t we just slow things down a little.
[She closes her eyes]
You know, meetings always make me feel better even on my worst days. Why don't we go inside, clean up a little, and enjoy the program together. Then afterwards, we can all talk. I promise, it’ll be OK.
[Celia tenderly tugs her arm. Emily takes a seat in the Kingdom Hall auxiliary room. Haley moves a chair away from Emily then slumps down into it]
Celia: I don’t know how this happened,
[Celia sits facing them forming a small circle]
But Haley, I’m sorry. It hurts me to see you so upset.
[Haley stares vacantly at the floor as Celia leans toward her]
Hayley: I can’t believe you two.
Celia: First,
[Celia pats Haley’s knee]
What you heard,
[Then gives Emily a stern look]
was not what I said.
Emily: Well, I thought that was how you felt.
[Emily glances over at Haley]
And even if I got that part wrong, all this drama?
Celia: Now stop,
[Celia extends her hand toward Emily]
Come on, girls. Haley, come closer.
[Haley hesitates then scooches closer to Emily and starts to fidget with her phone. Emily stares down at her hands in her lap]
Love is patient and kind,
[Turning to Emily, Celia touches her hand]
it’s not jealous,
[Turning to Haley]
It doesn’t become provoked, even when things become difficult.
[Haley slowly looks up]
So, what are we going to do?
[Celia gently nudges them both]
Emily: I just thought if,
[Emily turns to Haley]
No, I’m sorry, Haley. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have judged you so harshly. I shouldn’t have judged you at all,
[Haley continues to stare at the floor. Emily turns to Celia]
And I’m sorry for dragging you into this by twisting what you said.
[Celia grasps her hand]
Celia: It’s OK, things happen. I’ve been on both ends.
[Celia looks at Haley enquiringly. Chagrined, Haley briefly looks at Celia]
Haley: I should never have spoken that way to you, Celia, I mean, to either of you.
[She quickly glances at Emily then stands and embraces Celia]
Hayley: I’ve got to get home to Nana.
[Still seated Emily’s eyes follow her out]
Celia: I’ll call you tomorrow.
[Then Emily]
Emily: Bye.
[At home in her living room Emily types a text message to Haley]
(Text reads: Hi Haley, can you join me on a study tomorrow?)
[Haley sitting in a chair reading a book, receives the text and flips her phone over. Emily at an ice cream stand sends a voicemail]
Emily’s voicemail: Hey it’s me. I’ve been thinking of you. Great broadcast. How did you like the new original song? Give us a call.
[Scowling, Hayley listens, puts her phone down and continues to make jewellery. At Emily’s dinner party, with an empty chair next to her. She receives a text from Haley]
(Text reads: Sorry I can’t come)
[Daytime in a parking lot Celia and Haley approach Celia’s car. Haley looks at her phone]
Haley: I wish she’d give it a rest.
Celia: Sorry?
Haley: Oh, nothing.
[They stand conversing over the top of the car]
Haley: Sorry, it’s just Emily for the millionth time.
Celia: What’s the problem, love?
Haley: There’s no problem. It’s just.
[Haley yanks the door handle repeatedly]
Celia: Difficult to let her back in.
[She returns Celia’s wry smile. Haley climbs into the passenger seat, Celia sits in the driver’s seat, places the key in the ignition, grabs the steering wheel, pauses, then scans Hayley’s face]
Celia: Not that simple?
Haley: Not that simple.
[Hayley shakes her head wearily]
Celia: You want to forgive,
Haley: But not get burned again.
Celia: Keep in mind a chance to forgive is a chance to imitate Jehovah. We wouldn’t want to miss that opportunity.
Haley: I never thought about it like that.
Celia: Think back to a time when you wanted forgiveness,
[Haley stares out the window reflectively]
when it meant everything. How did it feel?
[Haley remembers]
Haley: You feel awful,
[Two brothers meet with her in Nana’s living room]
That you’ve let everyone down.
Nana: You’re very precious.
[Nana hugs a tearful Haley. Back to Celia’s car]
Haley: Then they forgive you, and suddenly everything is OK.
[Celia rubs Haley’s shoulder. Haley puts her phone to her ear]
Hayley: Emily, sorry I haven’t been back to you. Have plans for tomorrow?
[Two months later. Emily, Haley, Celia and a fourth sister sit at a table at the café]
Emily: Well, I don’t know, but I love what you did with your new stuff, especially,
[Emily shows Haley her phone]
this set
Haley: Oh, thanks. You’ve all given me so many great ideas.
Emily: Yea, but you make them.
Haley: Yea.
Celia: Ok, girls.
[Haley grabs her tract folder as they head to Celia’s car. Emily sits in the passenger seat Haley and the fourth sister sit in the back.
Haley: Oh, this is my song.
Emily: Mine too
[All four move to the music]
All sing: You have a treasured place in Jehovah’s house, he will help you out, out. And you have.
Celia: Oh, I sing like a crow.
Emily: No, stop.
Fourth Sister: I’ll tell you who else thinks it’s her song, but you’d better have earplugs handy.
[Fourth sister pipes in]
Veronica. Oh, my goodness. She’s in love with her own voice.
[The others smiles fade]
Ever sit near her at the hall? It’s like she’s the only one that can sing. And she’s such a diva.
Celia thinking: My first thought. Oh, no. Here we go again. I’ve seen this movie before.
Emily: You don’t think she’s showing off?
Celia: Is this just about Haley?
[Celia recalls Emily showing her a post]
Emily: It seems it’s all about Hayley.
Celia: Is there just a little bit of envy in there?
[Back in Celia’s car Emily remembers]
I’ve lived it.
Celia: If it’s a case of her being more careful how she comes across, that’s another matter.
Emily’s husband: What did she suggest?
Emily: That I should tell her that she needs to stop.
Emily’s husband: Can you believe that? Especially as a pioneer, what kind of example is she setting?
Emily thinking: How quickly it snowballs out of control.
Emily: That’s not what I’m saying at all.
Haley: You are such. Are you that lonely that you’ve got nothing better to do?
Celia: Hayley.
[Haley flashes back]
Hayley thinking: How difficult it can be to unravel.
Emily: Sorry. I shouldn’t have judged you so harshly. I shouldn’t have judged you at all.
Celia: A chance to forgive is a chance to imitate Jehovah. Think back to a time when you wanted forgiveness.
[Back to Celia’s car]
Fourth Sister: Has anyone ever tried talking to her about her singing?
[Emily gathers her thoughts then turns to face Haley and the other sister]
Emily: You know what I love about Veronica? She’s probably the most hospitable person I know. It’s always open house at her place. And can she cook.
Celia: Have you tried her curry?
Fourth Sister: I haven’t tried it yet.
Emily: Yeah, it’s so good.
Haley: It’s so good.
Fourth Sister: I really look forward to that.
Celia: It’s really good.
Emily: Ok I’ll ask her.
[They drive off together as they continue to chat light-heartedly]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2022 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.)
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