Transcripts: Interviews and Experiences
Steing Dott: Jehovah Cared for Me (With Audio Description) (4:11)

Transcript: Jehovah Cared for Me.
Steing: My name is Steing Dott. I was born in 1988 in Darwin, Northern Territory.
[Photos of Steing as a child]
When I was eight years old, I realized that life was getting very difficult for me. I was diagnosed with ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Tourette syndrome. And on top of all of that, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety as well. My mum said this affected the entire family because I would repeatedly yell out “Good night!” to each individual person in the family. And on top of that, I used to constantly go around the house, checking the locks and the windows.
[He repeatedly jiggles a doorknob]
My school life was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. My school was approximately 500 meters (1,600 ft) from my home. It would take me at least two hours to get to school because one of my obsessions was that if there were cracks on the footpath and if I stepped on one, I’d have to go all the way back home and start again.
[He turns and dashes away]
Well, I found life to be a constant struggle, and as I got older, it only got worse. Even at ten years old, I decided that I wanted to end my life so that it would make everyone in the family’s life a lot easier. But then we decided to use some medication, which eased my problems a little bit. Despite having medication, life was still completely unbearable for me. I had a constant struggle every day within myself. I used to wash my hands hundreds of times a day. I couldn’t leave the home; I couldn’t get a driver’s license; I couldn’t even get a job. A major turning point in my life was my mum’s unwavering faith in Jehovah. She used to iron my clothes for the meeting and hang them on the doorknob, even though I wasn’t ready to attend the meeting. But what she didn’t know was that when my mum went to the meeting with my sister, I’d get a Bible, and I’d try and start to read it. I also began to pray to Jehovah. And then one day, I thought, ‘I’m going to give this a shot.’ So, I put my suit on, I got ready, and I went to the meeting. When I went to the Kingdom Hall, I was absolutely terrified. I was so nervous. But when I got there, I saw an elder who used to come and visit me, and he made me feel very relaxed. And then the amazing welcome by the brothers and sisters, it made me feel like I was part of Jehovah’s organization again.
[Brothers shake his hand]
The scripture that really helped me was 1 Peter 5:7 because it says, “while you throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” So, this made me feel like I had a very powerful Friend, and Jehovah wanted me to throw my anxieties on him because he loved me. On September the 4th 2010, it was my most important day of my life. I got baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Adelaide entertainment centre. I now serve as a ministerial servant. I’ve had the privilege of giving public talks which is something I never thought I’d ever be able to do. I completed pioneer school after three attempts because the pioneer school environment made me feel like I was back at school and it made me have anxiety again, so the third time I completed it and none of this would ever have been possible without Jehovah’s help. From the 6th of August 2016, I married my beautiful wife Laura, who helps me serve Jehovah, and we can serve Jehovah every day together.
[Preaching with Laura]
I, like the apostle Paul, still feel like I have a war inside me sometimes but definitely Jehovah has never let me down. Never give up on serving Jehovah because Jehovah will never give up on you.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: