Transcripts: Interviews and Experiences
Takako and Hisako: Pioneering Together for 60 Years - Only With Jehovah‘s Help

Transcript: Takako and Hisako. Pioneering Together for 60 Years. Only With Jehovah‘s Help
[Ronald Curzan]
Ronald: Yes, true friends who share our love for Jehovah are invaluable. We’ll see that in this story from Japan. Sisters Takako Sato and Hisako Wakui have worked together as pioneers since 1957. Let’s learn how their friendship has helped them serve Jehovah with joy.
Takako: We are pioneer partners.
Hisako: We’ve been working together for over 60 years.
[As they walk through a park]
In 1956, I was the only Jehovah’s Witness in Nagano prefecture.
[Black and white photos]
It was lonesome, but I applied for regular pioneer service. Surprisingly, I was appointed as a special pioneer.
[The original letter]
I was so happy that I found myself rolling around on the tatami-mat floor with the appointment letter in my hand. That was the way I expressed my joy and appreciation.
[Her hands gesture]
Takako: When I was invited to serve as a special pioneer, I was sent to Nagano, and that’s where I met Hisako.
[Photos of them together]
Hisako: Takako and I focused on our ministry.
When an isolated group was established, since there were no brothers, I would wear a head covering and conduct the meetings. Sometimes the outlines were in English. We didn’t understand anything. But people were delighted to hear even just the scriptures and went home satisfied, and that strongly impressed on me the power of God’s Word.
[Six women sit around a small table, Bibles in hand]
We were assigned to a territory in the city after that. We found so many not-at-homes, but we were determined to meet people.
Takako: So, we changed the times we preached, and we talked to people on the street who were going to work.
Takako: We cherished even small opportunities. When we had a chance to meet a householder, we always tried to have a conversation that we could link to the next visit. Before long, I had ten Bible studies. Takako acts like she’s cheerful, but she’s been fighting various illnesses.
Takako: At times, it was so bad that I could not even go out in service. I had a serious skin condition. I could not bear to look at the illustration of Job in the magazine, and I covered it up with paper.
[She sits alone in her room]
But Jehovah helped me to look to Job’s example.
[She sits and reads the Bible under a tree]
I learned that our endurance under trial would become praise to God.
[Lifts her head]
I have often had health problems. Just at one of those times, I received a letter from the branch. It said: “What you can accomplish now may be limited. However, think about all that you have done up to now, to give praise to Jehovah and about the people you were able to help learn the truth, and be joyful knowing that you have been used by Jehovah fully.”
[Smiling photos with various sisters]
I couldn’t stop crying because I really felt the care and concern from the organization and from Jehovah.
[She nods and smiles]
Hisako also took real good care of me and prayed with me.
Hisako: Our thinking and personalities are different, but we made efforts to talk things out. Our heartfelt desire to want to serve Jehovah full-time has always been the same.
[They stand on a red and gray bridge over water]
For 60 years, we’ve enjoyed a truly wonderful life of service to Jehovah.
Takako: Jehovah has supported us in difficult times through the Bible, the organization, and friends. I have tasted the truthfulness of the words: “When I am weak, then I am powerful.”
[Walking together on a paved path]
Hisako: ‘When I said: “My foot is slipping,” your kindness, O Jehovah, has supported me.’ I can say that too. Although we don’t have energy or ability, we’ve been able to enjoy full-time service together up until now.
[Speaks to a woman at her home]
Takako: I’m really content now.
Hisako: It’s all thanks to Jehovah.
[Walking away down the paved path]
Ronald: Like the apostle Paul, our sisters cultivated singleness and focused on full-time service to Jehovah for more than 60 years. Yes, they face everyday challenges and the extra ones that come with age, but their heartfelt desire to serve Jehovah whole-souled brings Takako and Hisako real joy and contentment.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG in a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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