Transcripts 2022 Convention: Pursue Peace!
Take Delight in God’s Promises of Peace (With Audio Description) (9:14)

Transcript: Take Delight in God’s Promises of Peace
[Isaiah writes on a scroll]
Presenter: Through Isaiah, Jehovah promised to feed his servants
[Israelites harvest clusters of grapes]
[With smiles an Israelite family eats a meal together]
and spiritually.
[Israelites in robes and turbans gather around the temple. At night a scroll is read to a group of first century Christians]
Today, Jehovah invites us to a banquet
[At a regional convention]
that is spiritually nourishing.
[The speaker releases a Bible. A sister wipes away tears of joy]
Bible-based videos and publications
[As a group watches the Broadcast they smile and wave at the screen]
draw us close to God
[A little girl in a pink dress uses sign language to sing with the congregation]
and satisfy our hunger for truth.
[Two well-dressed brothers warmly welcome a man at a witnessing cart]
In the new world, abundant, healthy food will be more than a promise —it will be a reality. “There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains, it will overflow.” Do you long for a home of your own? Jehovah promised the returning exiles that they would build and enjoy comfortable dwellings. Jehovah likewise cares for us, whether we lose our home, or we’re taken from it. Above all, true worship provides spiritual security that is found nowhere else. The spiritual home we have now reminds us that Jehovah will give us a physical place to call home in the new world. “They will build houses and live in them.” How would you feel during a long journey where you might meet wild animals and criminals along the road? Jehovah assured the returning exiles that they would return in safety and dwell in peace. In the spiritual paradise we enjoy right now, people who were once violent have learned to be humble, loving, and peaceable. Imagine the peace that will reign in God’s new world, where we can wander this beautiful globe, explore every corner, and admire the handiwork of the true God with no fear. “‘They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,’ says Jehovah.” Clear instruction from Jehovah draws us close to him and maintains spiritual health. While false teachings hold many in the grip of spiritual darkness, Jehovah offers true freedom. The spiritual health we enjoy now reminds us that perfect physical and mental health await us in Paradise. Imagine waking every day feeling clean, healthy, happy, and full of the joy of life. Jehovah promises: “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” Jehovah fulfilled his word to the exiles. He restored that ruined nation as if bringing it back to life. In 1919, Jehovah did something similar. He released his modern-day people from spiritual captivity and energized them to preach. Just as Jehovah raised his people from figurative death, so will he reverse the effects of literal death. Indeed, God “will swallow up death forever.” Imagine living longer than any tree because “death will be no more.”
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2022 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.)
or the video with Audio Description click the link below: https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/VODBibleTeachings/pub-mwbv_202411_2_VIDEO