Transcripts: The Bible
Take Delight in God’s Promises of Peace - Excerpt (With Audio Description) (7:33)

Transcript: Take Delight in God’s Promises of Peace- Excerpt
[In Bible times]
Do you long for a home of your own?
[An Israelite family with their stone home behind them]
Jehovah promised the returning exiles that they would build and enjoy comfortable dwellings.
[Israelite families in a cluster of flat roofed houses. Modern day, smoke rises from rubble. A group of people help to clean up the disaster]
Jehovah likewise cares for us, whether we lose our home, or we’re taken from it.
[A brother in blue prison garb praying in a cell. A convention]
Above all, true worship provides spiritual security that is found nowhere else.
[In disaster areas Governing Body member’s shepherd. At meetings brothers and sisters greet one another]
The spiritual home we have now reminds us that Jehovah will give us a physical place to call home in the new world.
[Outside on a sunny day a little boy excitedly points to blueprints whilst he chats with his parents. From inside her yellow home a woman in red opens the shutters wide. Staked grapevines atop roiling hills. Two people leap from the dock into clear water. The sun glistens on turquoise water surrounding a wooden stilt house with a thatched roof]
“They will build houses and live in them.”
[Isaiah 65:21]
How would you feel during a long journey where you might meet wild animals and criminals along the road?
[Joyous Israelite families]
Jehovah assured the returning exiles that they would return in safety
[They exit tall gates]
and dwell in peace.
[A mother and three children in a tent]
In the spiritual paradise we enjoy right now, people who were once violent
[Images of men, bearded, tattooed, smoking, armed, in prison]
have learned to be humble, loving, and peaceable.
[Changed men, cleaned shaven, conducting a meeting for service, in the ministry. At conventions, people of different races in traditional clothing greet one another, heartily embrace and beam with broad, beautiful smiles]
Imagine the peace that will reign in God’s new world,
[A young man eagerly approaches his friend with wide open arms. He welcomes him to a picnic. A mom holds her toddler on her hip as a giraffe leans in close to them]
where we can wander this beautiful globe,
[A herd of giraffes gracefully gallops across a savanna. A diver swims with whale sharks]
explore every corner,
[A canoer feeds one. A big, wide, brown bear lumbers out of a rushing river. Four bear cubs’ amber behind a bigger bear on the trail. A woman plays with a monkey sitting on the palm of her hand]
and admire the handiwork of the true God
[Two people in a kayak paddle near a humpback whale and her calf. A coalition of cheaters walks through tall grass]
with no fear.
[A cheater sniffs then gently licks a man’s hand]
“They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain, says Jehovah.”
[Isaiah 65:25. In ancient times a man holds a scroll]
Clear instruction from Jehovah
[He speaks to a crowd]
draws us close to him
[They hold up their hands in praise. A woman says an earnest prayer]
and maintains spiritual health.
[Priests sacrifice on the alter in front of the temple]
While false teachings hold many in the grip of spiritual darkness,
[In a church a cleric speaks to an audience]
Jehovah offers true freedom.
[A couple formally seated in the church read the Bible Teacher book and Bible together. They glow with excitement. Two young sisters bring food to a couple’s home. As they drink tea together medicine bottles sit on the table next to the wife. A brother wearing a lanyard welcomes a convention delegate with a warm hug]
The spiritual health we enjoy now
[A rushing waterfall]
reminds us that perfect physical and mental health
[In a field of green grass, a brother reads to his blind wife. At a beach house a little girl in a wheelchair starts to wiggle her toes]
await us in Paradise.
[The husband removes dark glasses from his wife’s face, they beam with joy. The little girl runs on a sandy beach and leaves the wheelchair behind]
Imagine waking every day
[A woman wearing a cowboy hat rides a galloping horse]
feeling clean,
[A man on a rope, swings over the oceans crashing waves]
[Two paddle boarders glide towards the sunset]
[Boys in bare feet kick a ball]
and full of the joy of life.
[With outstretched arms the formally blind wife and her husband spin in circles. A surfer rides inside the barrel of a wave. A couple watches the sunset from the bow of their sailboat]
Jehovah promises: “No resident will say: I am sick.”
[Isaiah 33:24]
Jehovah fulfilled his word to the exiles.
[Ancient times]
He restored that ruined nation
[Families construct rooftop booths]
as if bringing it back to life.
[Men, women and children work in a vineyard. A woman surveys an abundant valley below]
In 1919,
[A radio]
Jehovah did something similar.
[Joseph Rutherford]
He released his modern-day people from spiritual captivity
[A hand cranked phonograph]
and energized them to preach.
[A householder listens. At an information march Witnesses carry signs and wear placards advertising a talk]
Just as Jehovah raised his people from figurative death, so will he reverse the effects of literal death.
[On a white, sandy beach a father catches sight of his family. His young son runs to him, and they embrace. Gathered at a pavilion friends watch a young couple welcome back their little girl with wide open arms. A grown daughter smiles in amazement as she sees her mother again]
Indeed, God will swallow up death forever.’
[Her middle-aged mum in a magenta blouse, grins from ear to ear]
Imagine living longer than any tree
[Massive sequoias reach high into the sky. The prophet Daniel resurrected and youthful looking walks through a forest. He greets a friend from his past with a warm hug]
because “death will be no more.”
[Revelation 21:4]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2022 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.)
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