Transcripts: Become Jehovah's Friend. Video Lessons
The Greatest Act of Love (With Audio Description) (12:22)

Transcript: Animated Series: The Greatest Act of Love.
[At home, baby Zoe looks out the window at the full moon. Her grandma holds her. Her mom walks up and takes her into her arms. They smile as Zoe rests her head on her shoulder. Later, grandma plays peek a boo with her. Zoe picks up a stuffed zebra, then runs around grandma. A few years later, grandma stirs dough in a bowl. Beside her, Zoe rolls out dough with a rolling pin. She loses her dough, then finds it stuck on the rolling pin. Grandma opens the oven and sets a pie inside. Zoe hands her a mini pie that she sets beside it. Together, they watch the pies bake through the oven door. Now at the table, they eat some. Mom comes in and sneaks a bite. In a playground, Zoe rocks on a spring rider shaped like a whale. She waves as grandma takes her picture. Through the camera lens, grandma sees Zoe fall off. At home, grandma puts a band aid on Zoe's leg. Zoe looks down at it, holding her stuffed zebra. Then grandma sticks a band aid on the zebra's leg. She hugs Zoe tightly. Later, Grandma chases her with a hairbrush. Now, an older Zoe sits in the kitchen as Grandma braids her hair. Zoe closes her eyes and smiles. Half of Zoe's tight curls stick straight out. Grandma hands her a mirror. She smiles at her neat braids in the mirror, then at Grandma. At night, Zoe, mom, and grandma eat at the table. On another night, Zoe and her mom, Camille, eat alone. Grandma's chair is empty. Present day, Zoe stands in the kitchen. She stares at the empty table and sighs, then turns and slowly walks away. Wearing a backpack, she heads to the door with her head down. After she leaves, her dog sits, staring at the door.]
(The Greatest Act of Love, John 3: 16)
[At school, Zoe digs through her locker. A paper falls out. Sophia picks it up. It's a photo of Zoe, grandma and mom. Zoe hangs it back in her locker with a magnet. Sophia shows her an invitation.]
Sophia: Oh! Here you go.
Zoe: Thanks!
Sophia: Hey, soon we’re having the Memorial, and you have to come! It’s the most important event. This invite is for you and your mom. I can tell you more about it at our study.
Zoe: OK, thanks.
Sophia: Bye!
Zoe: See you later, Sophia!
[At Sophia’s house in the kitchen.]
Sophia’s Mom: That’s right, Camille. OK, let’s move on to the next paragraph. Do you mind reading?
Camille: OK, sure. “Many people hope for good things to happen, but they cannot be sure that their hope,
[At the coffee table, Sophia shuffles 6 pictures]
Sophia: OK. Now it’s your turn!
Zoe: Hmm. Life was perfect. Adam and Eve disobeyed Jehovah. They lost their perfect life and died.
Sophia: Right!
Zoe: After that, nobody was perfect, so everyone would grow old and die. Jesus came to earth and taught everyone about Jehovah. He gave his life. He died for us.
Sophia: That’s right, so that in the future nobody will have to die. Has anybody ever given you a special gift?
Zoe: Hmm
[Zoe thinks back to when she was little. Grandma shows her a stuffed Zebra wrapped in a big pink bow. Little Zoe grabs it, then closes her eyes and hugs it tightly]
Sophia: Why do you think they gave it to you?
Zoe: Because she loved me.
Sophia: Right! Jehovah and Jesus gave us the greatest gift. It cost a lot. But they gave it to us because they love us, and they want us to live forever.
[Zoe frowns]
Zoe: But what about my grandma?
[Sophia leans forward]
Sophia: Their gift is for her too!
[Sophia picks up her tablet]
Sophia: There’s somebody in the Bible; I would like you to meet. She’s a lot like you. Luke chapter 7.
[They imagine a house in Bible times]
She lived in a city called Nain.
[A woman comes out of the front door]
She had a husband,
[Her husband harvests olives by hitting the branches of a tree, with a stick]
and a son.
[Their young son walks up to him. Olives from the tree fall on the son’s head. The woman brings them a skin bottle. Her husband takes a drink, then hugs their son. Now the husband pushes a heavy millstone to crush olives. All done, he wipes his forehead. Suddenly, his son shows up, holding a basket full of more olives. Nearby, the woman makes flatbread. She smiles, seeing her son try to push the millstone. Later, the son carries a basket of chicken feed. It breaks dumping seed at his feet. Chickens swarm him. One lands on his head. His parents watch him. At night all three sit on the roof looking at the stars. The husband points to one of them. Daytime carrying a walking stick and a bag, the husband says “Goodbye” to his son]
Sophia: But then her husband died.
[On the roof, the woman kneels, sobbing. Her son puts a blanket on her shoulders, hugging her tightly]
She still had her son to keep her company.
[years later, the woman sits with her grown son in their house. He hands her a plate of flatbread. Now he pushes the heavy millstone. A chicken sits on the handle. He beats an olive tree with a stick. She brings him a drink in a skin bottle. At night, they stand on the roof looking at the stars. He talks excitedly as she smiles]
But then her son died too.
Zoe: They both died?
[Sobbing, she collapses on a bench]
Sophia: She was already a widow, and now she was all alone.
[Outside the city, she walks ahead of a group. Behind her, four men carry her son’s body]
The day of the funeral, Jesus came to Nain, and he saw the widow.
[Jesus and his disciples walked toward her. He puts his hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him, then covers her face with her hands, weeping. In his mind, Jesus pictures the woman with her husband and young son looking at the stars, then later on the roof with her son grown up. Jesus sighs]
Jesus: Stop weeping.
[She looks up at him with tears in her eyes. Jesus walks over to the men carrying her son. They lower the stretcher from their shoulders to waist high. He stands beside it, then prays, putting his hand on the son’s shoulder]
Young man, I say to you, get up!
[The body moves. The woman’s eyes and mouth open wide. She runs up from behind, giving her son a big hug. She touches his cheek, then they hug again. Jesus watches them with a big smile. People around them stare in amazement]
Zoe: Wow!
Sophia: Why do you think Jesus brought him back to life?
Zoe: Hmm. Because he loved them.
Sophia: Yeah! He loves all of us. He loves you. That’s why he died for us. Jehovah brought Jesus back to life. Soon, Jesus will resurrect people, and because he died for us, we can all live forever! It’s the greatest gift anyone could give us. When we go to the Memorial, it’s a way to say thank you.
Zoe: Hmm. I hope my mom wants to come too.
[Later at Zoe’s house her mom comes home carrying a heavy bag of groceries. She walks into the kitchen]
Zoe: Mom!
Camille: Hi, baby.
Zoe: Should we get ready for the Memorial?
[Zoe wears a pink dress]
Camille: Oh, honey. It was a long day. I’m so sorry. I don’t think we can make it.
[Camille puts the grocery bag on the table. It covers the Memorial invitation. Camille gets a message on her phone]
Sophia’s mom: “Can’t wait to see you tonight. Let us know if you need a ride.”
[She turns to Zoe]
Camille: It’s Sophia’s mom.
[Zoe picks up the invitation]
Zoe: Mom, we can do this!
[She holds it up with both hands. Her mom looks at the picture of Jesus on the cover]
Camille: Let’s do it!
Zoe: Yay!
[Zoe runs and hugs her mom]
Camille: Yes, my little princess?
Zoe: I’m glad you’re studying the Bible.
Camille: Me too.
[At the Kingdom Hall]
Brother: At this time, we’ll have the passing of the wine.
[In the audience, Sophia passes a glass of wine to Zoe. Zoe passes it to her mom]
As we all go home tonight, think about what Jesus’ sacrifice means to you.
[Zoe looks at a monitor near the stage. It shows a picture of Jesus wearing a golden crown and cape. She imagines herself in paradise surrounded by plants with big green leaves. She parts the leaves to see a huge waterfall]
Zoe: Wow!
[Infront of the waterfall is a park on a small island. She runs across a bridge toward the park]
[Camille stands on the bridge, lined with flowers. Zoe runs to her. They hug each other tightly. Together they walk to the park. Caleb and Sophia greet them. Zoe walks off to look around the park. She waves at Sophia’s dad, mom, and others as she walks along the park path. Some of the people wear clothes from Bible times. Zoe sees Lydia a young sister from Sophia’s congregation. Lydia points to her left, so she dashes off in that direction. She runs along the winding park path, then stops at a railing in front of the waterfall. Spinning in a circle, she looks around her, then frowns, seeing no one. She looks at the waterfall, then down, with tears in her eyes. Jesus appears in the clouds. He wears his golden crown and cape]
Jesus: Zoe.
[She looks up, surprised. Jesus smiles]
Turn around.
Grandma: Zoe!
[She turns towards the voice]
Zoe: Grandma?
[Grandma walks toward her. She is younger]
Zoe: It’s you!
[She opens her arms to Zoe]
Grandma: My baby girl!
[She picks her up twirling her in the air]
Zoe: I missed you.
Grandma: Grandma is here now.
[Grandma holds her close. Zoe stops imagining. At home, she looks out of the window at the full moon. She thinks about the memorial]
Narrator: Jehovah has shown love in many ways. But when he gave Jesus’ life for us, that was the greatest act of love.
[Her mom joins her at the window]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2025 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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