Transcripts: Apply Bible Principles
The Result of True Righteousness Will Be Peace (With Audio Description) (5:30)

Transcript: The Result of True Righteousness Will Be Peace.
[In an office a blonde woman named Amber wearing a floral blouse, walks to the coffee pot and fills her cup. Irene walks out of her cubicle holding a coffee mug.]
Man: There you are.
[A man with a clipboard.]
Did you both get the email survey I sent? And you’re both coming right?
[Amber nods]
Irene: I must have missed it. I was on calls all morning. What’s this about?
Man: Well, the whole office is leaving early. We’re going downtown to support the march for gay rights.
Amber: She won’t come.
[She smirks at Irene.]
Man: Why?
Amber: It’s against her religion. Some of her people came by my house, and when I asked, they said your church won’t support gay marriage.
[She looks expectantly at Irene]
Man: Irene?
[Irene quickly collects her thoughts.]
It’s true as Jehovah’s witnesses we hold to the Bible standard on marriage, which is only between a man and a woman, and we remain politically neutral.
Amber: That’s such ignorant thinking.
[Irene looks at them calmly.]
Irene: I understand it’s a sensitive subject.
Amber: I have a daughter who deserves her rights.
Irene: Trust me Amber, as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we believe everyone has a right to choose how they live. And I would never force my beliefs on anyone.
Amber: But you won’t go.
Irene: Just as I would never force my beliefs on you, all I ask is the same respect. And, no, I won’t be going.
Amber: I have to go back to work.
[Amber swiftly walks away.]
Man: Look, obviously, Irene I don’t agree with your perspective. But I do appreciate you’re not pushing it on anyone else.
Irene: Thank you.
[The man with the clipboard nods and walks past Irene. She sighs in relief and contentedly smiles.]
Teacher Mr Dallas: Great discussion today everyone. Remember, midterms are this Friday. No excuses. That includes you, Jordan.
[The teacher leans on his desk.]
You were noticeably silent during our discussion today, Olivia.
[Olivia sits in front of him.]
Olivia: I was? I guess I just didn’t have much to say.
Mr Dallas: Aren’t you concerned about gay rights?
Olivia: Um, well, it seems like a political issue, and I stay neutral when it comes to political stuff.
[Other kids listen.]
Mr Dallas: But it’s not a political issue.
[He shakes his head]
This is a human rights issue.
Jordan: Mr Dallas,
Mr Dallas: Jordan.
Jordan: She’s like crazy religious.
Mr Dallas: Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Jordan: No, you don’t understand. Jehovah’s Witnesses hate everybody that isn’t straight.
Olivia: That’s not true. We don’t hate anyone.
Mr Dallas: I’ve spoken with your people before. They seem big on equality.
Olivia: We are. The Bible says that ‘God isn’t partial.’ So we believe that everyone should be treated fairly.
Mr Dallas: Good.
[He raises his eyebrows.]
So I assume you have gay members in your church.
[He leans in inquisitively.]
Olivia: No, we don’t.
Mr Dallas: But I thought you just said everyone should be treated equally? I’m confused.
Jordan: Hah, called it.
Mr Dallas: Jordan, don’t you have a class to go to? As I was saying, how is that not a little hypocritical, saying that you love everyone and then excluding certain people?
[Olivia takes a breath and gathers her thoughts. From the back of the class a girl with dark hair tied in two buns, curiously looks on.]
Olivia: Honestly, Mr Dallas.
[Olivia stands and puts on her backpack.]
I’ve wondered the same thing.
Mr Dallas: OK, and?
Olivia: Well, I researched it in the Bible, and I realised that God accepts all people, but He doesn’t accept all conduct.
Mr Dallas: What does that mean?
[He shrugs]
Olivia: It means that you can’t be abusing drugs, you can’t be stealing or being violent and still be a witness. There are just certain actions that God just doesn’t accept.
[She stands tall and maintains eye contact.]
Mr Dallas: Including how someone expresses their sexuality?
Olivia: In some cases, yes. We follow God’s standards, not having sex without being married.
Mr Dallas: Well, if that’s how you feel, that’s your right. Personally, it seems a tad archaic to me but to each their own.
[On her way out the dark haired girl approaches Olivia.]
Dark haired girl: Hey.
Olivia: Hey.
Dark haired girl: Does the Bible really say all that?
Olivia: Yeah, it does.
Dark haired girl: OK, maybe you can show me sometime.
Olivia: Yeah, for sure.
Dark haired girl: Awesome.
[As she is leaving Olivia gets a text message from her mom.]
(Text: Mom: Hey, you two! Max is joining us for dinner.)
(Text: Olivia: So, does this mean you’re dating?)
(Text: Mom: Let’s talk about it tonight.)
[At home Gabe reads the text then covers his face with a pillow.]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2024 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.)
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