Transcripts: Essential Bible Teachings
The Resurrection Soon a Reality (With Audio Description) (3:42)

Transcript: The Resurrection. Soon a reality.
[A close-up view shows the wheel of a hospital gurney, rushing down a deserted hallway. A worried doctor examines CT scans. Sadly, he discusses the negative results with a concerned nurse, while the distraught family of an unconscious young woman on oxygen gather around her hospital bed. Near the still body rests a Bible. Alongside her bed, her crying younger sister, about 19 years old, tenderly holds the hand of her big sister. A close-up view of their clasping hands reveals they are both wearing matching heart bracelets. Her vitals start to crash and she flatlines. Sobbing, the heartbroken sister falls onto the bed. The life monitor confirms she has died. Solemnly, the nurse enters the room to silence the monitor, and the grieving family comforts one another. Later, in a softly lit room, the sister sadly, flips through childhood photographs of herself with her deceased sister. In each photo, they grow older until they are in their late teens and early 20s. She stops on one photo, raising her head in thoughtful memories of their time together. Pensively, while holding one recent photo, she stares straight ahead in reflection as her eyes fill with tears. The camera gradually pulls back showing the entire softly lit room. With a look of meditation on her face she imagines her sister's future resurrection. While the view slowly pans left through the wall the scene changes to her future paradise home. Now in a brightly lit room the once grieving sister is wearing a sun shiny yellow dress and putting flowers in a tall vase. Behind her, a square doorknob begins to turn as a door without a lock silently opens, revealing a glimpse of her once dead sister who quietly slips through the partially open door. Motionless in a snow-white dress, she watches her sister arrange flowers. The younger sister with her back to the door is unaware of her unexpected guest. As she turns, she is startled by the sight of her resurrected sister. She clasps her hands over her mouth and cries with joy. With open arms, they run toward each other, warmly embrace, and she lifts her now alive sister in the air. Spinning her around and around, she loses her balance, and they almost fall and burst into life. Overwhelmed with astonishment, wonder, and tears of joy, they laugh, cry, and hug each other. Ecstatically, they pull back, gaze into each other's eyes, amazed at their incredible reunion. They continue embracing as the camera slowly pans right back into the present day softly lit room. Once again, we see the younger sister still looking at that photo, but now she chuckles slightly, then smiles, while meditating on the joyful reality of her sister's future resurrection. A close-up on the photo as the camera fades to black.]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2014 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]