Transcripts: Become Jehovah's Friend. Video Lessons
The Steps to Baptism (With Audio Description) (1:51)
Let’s learn how you can qualify for baptism.

Transcript: Animated Series: The steps to Baptism
[Text: Acts 16:32, 33]
[Sophia holds a photo album]
Sophia: Wow! That looks like me.
[She looks at a photo of her mom in a baptismal pool]
I have a question.
Dad: What is it, my dear?
Sophia: How do you get baptized?
Mom: That’s a good question
Dad: And an important one.
[Sophia sits between her parents]
Sophia: Mom looks so young in this picture!
Mom: Hey!
Dad: Yes, you can be young like your mother. What matters is that you love Jehovah
[Scenes from mom’s childhood]
and want to follow Jesus’ teachings closely.
[She draws Jonah]
Mom: You can show that you want to get baptized by what you do, like obeying your parents.
[She cleans windows]
Dad: Learn about Jehovah by reading the Bible.
[She participates in family worship]
That will help you obey Jehovah and avoid things that Jehovah hates.
Mom: Then you’ll want to share your faith with others
Dad: Especially in the ministry.
[She presents a tract at a door]
Mom: And at the meetings,
[She raises her hand to comment]
make friends with others who love Jehovah.
[With her friend at the meeting]
Dad: And, most important, tell Jehovah in prayer that you want to serve him forever.
Mom: That’s why we get baptized in public.
[Mom’s baptism]
It shows others that we’ve dedicated our lives to Jehovah.
[Back to present]
Sophia: That’s so cool.
Mom: Would you like to get baptized one day?
Sophia: Mm-hmm!
Dad: Why don’t you learn a little more about the steps for baptism and share it with us at family worship?
Sophia: OK!
[Sophia closes the album. Hoping off the couch she sets it on the table, then skips away]
[Logo inside a White box. Black capital letters JW.ORG. Copyright 2023
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania]
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: