Transcripts: Whiteboard Animations
Think Past the Drink. Whiteboard Animation (With Audio Description) (2:31)
Do you need to drink to have a good time?

Transcript: Whiteboard animation. Think Past the Drink
[On a dry erase board with a black marker a cocktail glass with three bottles is drawn]
Presenter: Many people equate drinking with having a good time.
[People dancing]
But at Proverbs 23:32, the Bible says that alcohol can ‘bite like a snake.’
[Snake from glass swallows’ man]
Are there laws on drinking alcohol where you live? If so, you could be fined,
[law enforcement officer]
be sentenced to community service,
[Man picking up litter]
lose your freedom to drive,
[License cut in half]
or even go to jail.
[Arrest photo]
Even if none of those things happen, alcohol can lower your inhibitions —and not in a good way.
[Girl overdrinks]
Under the influence, you could say or do things you’ll later regret.
[Onlookers shocked]
But what if you’re at a party and unexpectedly find that some are drinking and heading for trouble? What would you do?
[Snake appears]
The Bible says that an intelligent person sees trouble coming and avoids it.
[She walks away]
Stop and think.
[Drunken house guests]
What might happen if you stay?
[Guest arrives, horrified]
How could you leave before trouble comes without inviting ridicule?
[People drink, point and laugh]
Here’s a tip: Make a plan with your parents to call or text if you need to leave early.
[Phone rings]
How about this? What would you do if someone pressures you to drink?
[Large bottle crushes man]
At Romans 6:16, the Bible indicates that when you let others control your decisions, you become their slave. You could just follow along and let your peers rule your life.
[Chain to bottle]
Or you could give a firm response perhaps something like, “No thanks!” or “Sorry, I’m not into that!”
[Hand raised to say no]
What if you’re out with friends and realize the driver has been drinking?
[Drunk man with keys]
According to the Bible, the person who spends time with fools “will fare badly.”
[Man thinks]
What could happen if you let that person drive you home?
[Car swerves and drives off the road. Three headstones appear]
What other options do you have?
Try this:
Avoid situations where you’ll be with a driver who has a reputation for drinking and driving. Always have a Plan B for transportation.
[Friends happily take the train]
Remember, you don’t have to drink to have a good time, and you don’t have to associate with people who think that you do.
[Snake removes two people from the group]
Have the courage to think past the drink.
[Friends enjoying themselves without drink]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2017 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]