Transcripts 2023 Convention: Exercise Patience
Treasure the Riches of God’s Patience - Edith Millen (3:12)

Transcript: Treasure the Riches of God’s Patience. Edith Millen
[Edith Millen. Belgium]
Edith: I enjoyed learning about Jehovah and the Paradise. So, at an early age, I came to love Jehovah.
[Framed photographs past and present line a table]
Yet, later on, doubts just started nagging away at me. I was deeply troubled by all the horrible pain and suffering I saw on the news.
[Gazing blankly, she walks along a sidewalk eyebrows furrowed]
Even though I knew and understood the sovereignty issue, I kept asking myself, ‘Why is it taking so long?’ I even started feeling a distance growing between me and Jehovah.
[At a table she studies the Bible Teacher book]
I did a lot of praying and studying during that time. Marc and I also had many deep and meaningful conversations.
[His hand gently on her shoulder Marc points to her book]
Then I saw a picture in the publications of a father carrying his little son on his shoulders. That really resonated with me. I wanted that same kind of trust that a child has in his father, to feel that I could trust Jehovah without asking questions. It became a real struggle between what I mentally understood and what I was feeling emotionally in my heart. I remember earnestly praying to Jehovah so that I could feel things as Jehovah feels them.
[She walks down a path surrounded by lush greenery]
At a certain point, an elder came to visit us. He specifically asked me, “Edith, how are you doing?” His interest and concern just made me open up and tell him what I was struggling with.
[Sitting with her husband and an elder she speaks freely]
I remember he quoted a scripture.
[They open their Bibles]
It was at 2 Corinthians 10:5, where it says we must bring wrong ‘thoughts into captivity.’
[She begins to smile]
I came to realize that our way of thinking is often so limited. Jehovah sees everything. He takes all factors into consideration. As a result, those negative feelings couldn’t grow and get stronger. Now I could focus on positive thoughts. That was the turning point. I felt like Jehovah had literally held out his hand and pulled me up out of a deep hole and put me back up high and gave me a new start.
[Now on the ministry with her husband]
Jehovah is not indifferent. His love is the exact reason why he’s waiting so patiently.
[She talks to a woman]
It’s also helped me to be more patient with others.
[And hands her a contact card]
Jehovah has given me the time and the opportunity to break out of that vicious circle, and with his help, I succeeded.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2023 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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