Transcripts 2021 Convention: Powerful by Faith!
Use Creation to Build Your Faith (With Audio Description) (12:10)

Transcript: Use Creation to Build Your Faith
[The sun slowly rises above the horizon]
Presenter: “Our sun is considered an average star.
[A giant fiery ball in the midst of darkness]
Yet, the energy from the sun that reaches the earth is thousands of times the world’s total energy use.
[Glowing red solar flares erupt]
With our unaided eyes, we might see about 3,000 stars on a dark night,
[Clusters of stars glide across the sky]
many in a fuzzy band. The Milky Way galaxy is where our sun is just one of perhaps 200 to 400 billion stars.
[The sun shines on the rotating earth]
Astronomers think the Milky Way galaxy is clustered together with around 100,000 large galaxies in a massive structure called a supercluster that together with an estimated two trillion galaxies make up the known physical universe.
[Galaxies and nebulae of all shapes and sizes spiral across space]
Countless stars spread over unfathomable distances, releasing immense amounts of energy may be impossible to grasp for us, but not for Jehovah. “He counts the number of the stars; he calls all of them by name. Our Lord is great and is mighty in power.”
[Psalm 147:4, 5. The vast ocean]
Millions of cubic meters of water circulate continually around our planet.
[A massive turquoise wave. Underwater bubbles. Icebergs drift in the ocean]
Near the poles, water that is colder, saltier, and denser sinks, creating a flow almost 100 times that of the Amazon River. This drives a massive circulation of water that may take 1,000 years to complete, the global ocean conveyor belt. This enormous system distributes heat, which helps to stabilize the weather
[Green cliffs overlook a sandy beach. Palm trees in the glistening sun. A lighthouse on a rocky island]
and transport great quantities of nutrients around the world so that life may flourish in abundance.
[Killer whales surfaced to breathe. Dolphins swim together. Seals flap toward the surface, leaving a trail of bubbles. Penguins swim in groups. A humpback whale with her baby, spouts water]
Jehovah set these mechanisms in motion and understands them perfectly. “You rule over the raging of the sea; when its waves surge, you calm them.”
[Psalm 89:9. Sunbeams bath a dense forest in light]
Trees can grow very strong and withstand powerful forces.
[Hurricane force winds batter trees. A moss covered fallen trunk]
But if they didn’t decompose after they die, trees and leaves would pile up with their nutrients locked away inside. Yet, they do decompose. How?
[A brown bear brushes leaves aside]
Most animals cannot eat fallen wood and leaves, but fungi can.
[Mushrooms growing from a stump]
They break down the dead plant tissues, making them softer.
[Insects swam]
Beetles and termites bore through the wood, exposing more surface area and spreading the fungi inside, which soften it further so that other insects can enjoy the feast. Earthworms aerate the soil and pull nutrients down where they can be used by other plants.
[Seedling sprouting in soil]
Decomposers have been called the unsung heroes of the natural world. They recycle organic matter so that it is available to support new life. Through this process, Jehovah made it possible for us to enjoy earth’s lush beauty, generation after generation.
[A family hikes through the woods]
“Let the fields and everything in them rejoice. At the same time let all the trees of the forest shout joyfully.”
[Psalm 96:12. Massive dark clouds loom over a green pasture with cows. Ice balls fall from the sky bouncing like marbles]
Hail, though it is made of ice, it is very different from snow.
[Ominous cloud formation swirl while lightning flashes]
Hail usually forms in warm weather when turbulent air produces thunderstorms with powerful updrafts. Those updrafts can pull a piece of dust or ice high into the cloud, where water freezes around it. Each trip up into the cloud adds a layer of ice and waits until it becomes a hailstone that is heavy enough to fall.
[Hail knocks leaves and branches off a tree]
Hailstorms can be powerfully destructive.
[Hail pounds a car as people run for shelter]
One deadly storm dropped hailstones weighing more than one kilogram (2 lbs) each. Jehovah used hail to demonstrate his power and defend his people, such as during the seventh plague against Egypt.
[Egyptians cover their heads with their hands]
When Joshua fought the Amorites, Jehovah caused a great hailstorm, and more Amorites died from the hailstones than in battle.
[Joshua looks heavenward with sword in hand]
Hail is also mentioned among the elements that Jehovah will use in the future against those who attack his people.
[Hail strikes at Armageddon]
“Have you seen the storehouses of the hail, “which I have reserved for the . . . day of battle and war?”
[Job 38:22, 23. An endless calm ocean]
The largest animal alive on earth today is also the largest that has ever lived, the blue whale. Blue whales can grow to be over 30 meters (98 feet) long and weigh up to 180 tons.
[A whale blows a jet of spray]
Its heart alone may weigh several hundred kilograms. How does such a large creature find enough to eat? The blue whale migrates great distances to find tiny crustaceans known as krill.
[Thousands of pink krill swam]
When a blue whale finds a school of krill, it accelerates toward the krill and opens its giant mouth. They may engulf hundreds of kilograms of krill with each lunge amounting to several tons per day. Blue whales eat a lot. Yet, Jehovah provides for them,
[A whale’s tail rises high in the air. Two people with binoculars whale watching]
and he will provide for us.
[A mother with her baby points at the ocean as the sun sets over the water]
There is the sea, so great and wide, teeming with countless living things, both small and great.
[Psalm 104:25. Three young people kick a ball on a grass field. A person jumps rope]
Our bones are amazing.
[Children bounce basketballs]
They support our bodies, protect our organs,
[A child tumbles on skates, then gets giggling]
and store almost all of the body’s calcium, a mineral essential for our health.
[A woman eats salad with leafy green vegetables]
For their weight, bones are very strong.
[One woman carries a basket on her head, another carries bricks]
The feet of a track and field jumper may experience forces of several times his body weight.
[An athlete lands hard in sand]
Bones can compress and bend,
[A skier glides and jumps]
but sometimes they break. A fractured bone can heal well if properly set.
[Xray of a fractured leg]
Inflammation brings organic building blocks to the area, and soft tissue grows between the broken pieces.
[A broken bone knit together]
The soft tissue is replaced with harder tissue. The body replaces the harder tissue with new bone until the repair is complete.”
[A skier kicks up powdery snow. Children run and play]
In children, the break may heal without leaving a trace. Jehovah gave every bone in our body this incredible ability to heal.
[A man jogs]
“I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.”
[Psalm 139:14]
[Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2021 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania]
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