Transcripts: Teenagers
We Must Run With Endurance - Eat Nutritious Food (With Audio Description) (2:31)

Transcript: We Must “Run with Endurance” Eat Nutritious Food
[In a high school classroom, a teacher in a tie and glasses stands in front of a board that reads ‘Evolution is a fact.’ A teenage girl in the front row uncomfortable squirms and quizzically raises her eyebrows as the teacher speaks]
Teacher 1: Good morning, class! As we delve deeper into chapter 4, we’re going to see why we know that evolution is a fact. Now, when we think about the word evolution, what comes to mind?
School Counsellor: Your grades are some of the highest in the class. I have these brochures. They’re both really fine schools, but this one in particular on top is the one I would really like you to consider.
[Her counsellor explains]
Teacher 2: Rebekah, you’re one of our fastest runners.
[Running track]
I really want you to consider trying out for the team.
[Crosses the finish line ahead of others. Now, after school her mom smiles at her as she gets in the car. Rebekah solemnly looks out the window]
Rebekah: I feel so confused. I know some things they teach at school don’t agree with the Bible, but sometimes they just seem to make sense. Then there’s the pressure to join sports and what to do with my future.
[Remembering her day in science class, running track and in the counsellor’s office. Sitting on her bed with mom]
I finally told Mom some of the challenges I was having. She really listened and admitted struggling with some of the same issues when she was younger.
[Mom shows Bible]
Then she shared Hebrews 5:13, 14: “For everyone who continues to feed on milk is unacquainted with the word of righteousness, for he is a young child. But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” She said that when her personal study went beyond the surface on questions and issues that bothered her, she began to discover truly meaningful answers that built up her faith and helped her make good decisions.
[Shows Watchtower online]
It helped her to go from just feeling it was the truth to knowing it.
[Does research on tablet and takes notes. Reads ‘The origin of life’ brochure on her lunch break. Standing in front of her science class, she explains as she holds the brochure and points to the evolution chart. Teacher listens and nods. In the counsellor’s office, Rebekah speaks and hands the college brochures back to the counsellor who looks puzzled. At the Kingdom Hall, she fills out an application to pioneer and smiling, hands it to an elder]
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[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]