Transcripts 2023 Convention: Exercise Patience
We Recommend Ourselves as God’s Ministers . . . by Patience (With Audio Description) (15:12)

Transcript: “We Recommend Ourselves as God’s Ministers . . . by Patience”
[At a table cluttered with a drawing of a family photo, tracts and purple envelopes, Olivia doodles on a scratch pad while writing letters with her stepsister Sue. On her laptop JW Library. Olivia answers a video call from her brother Gabe]
Olivia: Hey, Gabe!
Gabe: Oh, hey, Olivia! How’s it going?
Olivia: Uh, you know, it’s going good, just doing another letter writing territory, so you know how that is.
Gabe: OK, well,
Sue: Hey, Gabe,
[Sue joins in]
good to see you!
Hey, Sue! It’s good to see you too.
Mum: Is that Gabe? Aww, hey, baby. How’s Bethel?
Gabe: Hey, Mom. It’s busy but great. I’m learning a lot.
Mum: Oh, look who just got home from work.
[Max squeezes in]
Max: Hey, Gabe.
Gabe: Hey, Max.
[They squish together]
Gabe: So, if it’s possible, can you send me some more of my things? I can text you a list.
Max: Absolutely! I’ll get right on it. Great. Thank you so much. Olivia, I’ll let you get back to letter writing.
Olivia: Great.
Mum: Hey. All right, we’ll let you go, love you.
Gabe: OK, love you too.
Family: Bye!
[As Max, Irene and Sue gather behind her in the kitchen Olivia continues letter writing. Later all four eat pizza around the dining table]
Mum: So, Olivia, I thought that you enjoyed letter writing?
[Olivia purses her lips]
Olivia: I don’t know, it just
[Her fingers rest on her temple]
feels like another letter, another envelope, and another black hole.
[Irene frowns]
Max: Hmm. Black hole?
Olivia: Yeah, you know, stuff goes in, but nothing ever comes out of it.
[Max looks concerned]
Sue: It’s not that bad.
Olivia: What do you mean? You were just telling me that no one has responded to you.
[Olivia raises her eyebrows at Sue]
Sue: OK, yeah, I get a little antsy for replies. Like I texted my old classmate Sarah, but she just hasn’t said anything back to me yet.
[Sue picks up her phone from the table]
I just hope I didn’t overdo it. What do you think?
[She hands her phone to Max, he scrolls and scrolls]
Is it too much? Do you think it’s too much?
[Eyebrows furrowed he smiles nervously]
It’s too much.
[Sue takes her phone back]
Max: I’m sure she’ll, uh
[Max taps his fingers on the table]
I’m sure she’ll get back to you.
[Shaking her head Sue re-reads her text. Another day Irene packs a box. Max enters handing more items to Irene]
Max: All right, this is everything on Gabe’s list.
Irene: Thank you!
Max: At least we’ll have a little more room for, uh, when your mom moves in.
Irene: Yeah.
[Irene forces a smile]
Irene: Anyway, Gabe will love this. He already told me how much he misses fishing.
[Max picks up a photo of himself and Gabe fishing. In the photo their arms around each other’s shoulders and wide smiles]
Max: What if we do something a little different for family worship this week?
Irene: Sure.
[On the tree lined bank of a placid lake the family sits on the grassy slope]
Olivia: So, this is where you and Gabe would fish, right?
Max: Yep. We learned a lot of lessons about fishing here. So lately, preaching’s felt like a black hole, right?
[Olivia and Sue nod]
We have the right equipment, but what does a fisherman need more than anything?
[Sue glances at Olivia with an uncertain look. Olivia looks up at Max and shrugs]
At 2 Corinthians 6:4,
[They all read from their phones]
It says: “But in every way we recommend ourselves as God’s ministers, by . . .” Now, what does verse 6 say, Olivia?
Olivia: It says, “by purity, by knowledge, by patience.”
Max: Patience. It helps us to keep trying again and again, to not give up. And we’re not casting into a black hole but into a blue sea full of deserving ones. Now, maybe we can’t see it, but Jehovah knows they are there. And it may take some time, but if we’re patient, together we’ll find them.
[Irene and the girls exchange smiles]
Now, Irene has some great ideas on how to make our letter writing more personal.
[On a bench outside of school Olivia sits across from a girl with heavy make-up and dark hair up in buns]
Olivia: Um, all ready for Section 2, right?
[The girl hesitates]
Girl: I guess so.
Olivia: OK, well, first we’ll see how false religion gets God totally wrong. Did you get a chance to study?
Girl: Yeah, I, I read ahead.
[She avoids Olivia’s eyes]
Olivia: OK. Is, Is everything OK?
Girl: I’m fine. Let’s just, um,
[The girl fakes a smile]
get started.
Olivia: OK, so then we’ll watch a video on churches during World War II and why Jehovah will have no choice but to,
[Still looking down the girl bits her lip and nods]
Something’s up. What’s wrong?
Girl: Um, I don’t know. I just, I read that all religions are false?
Olivia: Well, yeah, but you have to remember that like,
Girl: I don’t know. It’s just,
Olivia: What?
[Olivia shakes her head, eyes wide]
Girl: It’s just all getting so, so serious.
[Olivia creases her eyebrows]
Olivia: Well,
[At home]
Yeah! It’s life and death! Why waste time on this study if she’s not going to take it seriously?
[In her bedroom]
Sue: So, you said all of that to her?
Olivia: No, just the “well, yeah” part. But I wanted to. She used to be so excited to study.
[Sue empathetically nods]
I don’t know. Maybe she’s just not getting it.
Sue: I think she is learning.
[Sue looks around thoughtfully then at Olivia]
Maybe it’s just really sinking in.
Olivia: If it’s sinking in, then what’s the problem? Maybe it’s me.
[With a weak half smile Olivia looks down. Sue lets out a deep breath and tilts her head]
Sue: You know what really helped me when I first started pioneering? I learned that Jesus had to be patient with his disciples. They weren’t always ready to learn the things that he was teaching them. That means that we have to be patient with our Bible students too. Let it reach her heart. And be patient with yourself.
[Sue warmly leans in towards Olivia. Another day on the bench]
Olivia: I was thinking a lot about our study, and I really want to know how you are feeling about it.
[Olivia looks intently at the girl with her hair up in buns]
Girl: As I was reading ahead, it finally hit me. All the churches in the world are lying, my mom’s included. And God’s just going to destroy them all? You know, maybe I’m just not ready for some of this.
[With an uncertain look the girl furrows her eyebrows]
Olivia: I understand where you’re coming from.
[With gentle concern Olivia looks at the girl]
Give yourself some time to learn why Jehovah’s ways are just. The better you get to know him, the more his teachings are going to touch your heart.
[Hand to her heart Olivia’s face brightens with a warm smile]
Trust me; I promise you it’ll be worth the wait.
[The girl with her hair up in buns gently nods to herself]
Girl: OK.
Olivia: Yeah? OK.
[The girl smiles]
So, let’s get to know Jehovah better. Do you remember, um, Lesson 7?
[At home Sue sits at the wooden desk typing on her laptop. Sue opens the notification on her phone. Hey Sue, it’s Sarah. Gif of a man flipping pages in a book, I just got through your looooong text, laugh emoji, but seriously, it got me thinking, let’s catch up soon. With a look of relief Sue sits back in her chair]
Dora: He’s just going to be working even more. I just don’t know what to do about it because he’s barely home as it is.
[In her bedroom Dora on the phone with Irene]
Are you still listening to me?
[Irene stares vacantly]
Irene: Mm-hmm.
Dora: I just, I’m so tired. I don’t have the support I need; you know.
Irene: I know.
Dora: And it never seems to end. I don’t know why this keeps happening to me.
[Irene shakes her head]
Irene: I know it seems that way, but sometimes the decisions you make have consequences that don’t go away.
[Irene blinks hard then rolls her eyes]
Dora: Excuse me?
[Dora scowls]
Not everyone is perfect like you and your perfect life, Irene.
Irene: I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant.
Dora: I
[Max leans against the doorway]
Dora: I don’t have time for this.
Irene: I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant.
[Irene stairs at her phone her jaw drops]
Max: Everything OK?
[Brow tight, eyes wide]
Irene: Dora just hung up on me.
Max: Well, maybe she was just having a bad day.
Irene: Every day is a bad day for Dora. It’s not my fault that she married that guy from work. I just wish she would have listened.
[Sulking she sits on the window seat. Max joins her as she pouts. She catches Max’s eyes then looks down at her hands]
Max: She has made some bad decisions, but that was years ago. Don’t give up on her.
Irene: I’m not giving up on her. I just need a break from her.
[Max with a kind look]
Max: I know this isn’t easy, but try and imagine what it must be like for her
[Irene imagines …Dora sits alone at her dining table. She watches the meeting over zoom]
Brother on zoom: people express that we live in a hopeless world. And yet when we reflect on statements like that, we can agree that hope is so important. Why? Because we all deal with suffering and tragic events in one form or another. We can take comfort in learning and knowing that our heavenly Father, Jehovah, is not insensitive nor uncaring. In fact, when we examine the Bible record, we see from the very first point of rebellion that our heavenly Father, Jehovah, put into motion the means by which you and I can be saved. And the Bible tells us that he is eager to do so. Note how this is expressed at Jeremiah 29:11. If you’ll find that in your Bibles,
[Her husband in the kitchen opens a bottle from the fridge, passing her he smiles then sits on the couch behind her and takes a sip while watching TV. Dora looks over her shoulder at him then turning back swallows and looks at the screen. On the screen a young couple, with mom holding a baby. An older couple holding hands and taking notes. Dora alone. Dora squeezes her eyes shut then turns off her video. She slumps down in the chair with her head low and holds her hands in her lap. Back to reality, Irene with downcast eyes. Max reaches into his pocket]
Max: It makes me think about 1 Thessalonians 5:11: “Keep encouraging one another “and building one another up, just as you are in fact doing.”
[Irene purses her lips]
We can do so much good when we’re patient,
[Max smiles warmly]
just like Jehovah is with us.
[Irene blinks slowly then nods. That same day a melancholy Dora picks up her phone. On the phone a call from Irene. Dora flicks up her eye rows before answering]
Dora: Hi, Irene.
Irene: Hi, Dora. I’m calling because I wanted to apologize for what I said.
[Dora’s jaw relaxes unclenching her teeth]
Dora: I’m sorry too.
Irene: I umm, I know that you’re dealing with a lot right now, and I really do see how much you love Jehovah. I just want you to know I’m always here for you.
[Dora bites her lip, fighting back tears]
Dora: Thanks, Irene.
[Dora looks up to the ceiling with a flood of tears in her eyes]
That really means a lot to me. You know, um, I was thinking about going out in service tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
Irene: I’d love to go.
Dora: Great. I have this really cool new return visit. Her name is Katie.
Max: So, these are our public talk schedules for the past few years.
Irene: Oh, hey, Wayne.
Wayne: Hey, Sister Jones. What are you two up to?
[In the living room]
Max: Wayne’s going to be helping with public talk scheduling.
Irene: Oh, great! Well, I’ll let you all get to it.
[Max notes Irene’s smile and raised eyebrows]
Max: So, we already have these weeks scheduled. We just need to keep confirming with the speakers and quickly replace any cancellations. That’s pretty important.
Wayne: I can totally do that. I actually have some new ideas on how to handle that.
Max: OK, good. Um, but a phone call should be fine.
Wayne: Don’t worry. It’s not that hard. I can handle it. Can I show you my idea on how to streamline the process?
[Max wrinkles his brows]
Max: More than a phone call?
Wayne: Yeah.
[At the Kingdom Hall]
Wayne: The speaker isn’t here.
Max: I’m sorry, what? Did you call and confirm like I asked you to?
[With narrowed eyes Max frowns at Wayne]
Wayne: No.
[Wayne sheepishly looks down. Max leans down to his chair]
But what can I do?
[Then scowls as he looks at Wayne]
Max: Well,
[Standing up]
nothing now.
[He puts on a fake smile]
I’ll take care of it.
[Max passes him displeased]
Max: Wayne forgot to confirm the speaker, so I have to give the talk now.
[Head low Wayne looks back at Max then slowly walks away. Outside the Kingdom Hall Max drives his car to the entrance with a stern look on his face. Irene walks up to the passenger side door then gets in. Irene looks at an expressionless Max]
Irene: You did a nice job on your part.
Max: Thanks.
Irene: I think Wayne just forgot.
[Raising his eyebrows Max cocks his head to the side and shrugs then they drive away. Later back at home. With a big smile Irene grabs her phone]
Irene: Hey, Gabe.
Gabe: Hi, Mom. How’re you guys doing?
Irene: Doing good. How are you?
Gabe: Good. I’m doing good. Um, I’m just checking on the things you were sending me. They haven’t come in yet.
Irene: Oh no, that’s weird.
[Max jumps up and joins Irene]
Max: It’s my fault, Gabe. I completely forgot to send it. I can’t believe I missed that.
Gabe: It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.
Max: No, it’s not. I- You needed those things, Gabe.
Gabe: No, Max, it’s fine, don’t worry. I mean, everybody forgets things sometimes.
[Max’s face softens]
Gabe: And it’s just one package. You and Mom already do so much for me. So don’t worry; it’s fine.
Irene: Thanks.
Max: Thanks, Gabe. I’ll get right on it. I’ve got to make a phone call.
Irene: OK.
[Max pulls out his phone]
Things are getting pretty busy around here.
Gabe: When is Grandma moving in?
[Another day, Max pours a cup of coffee for Wayne in the kitchen]
Wayne: I’m sorry about the mix-up.
[Max with warm eyes]
Max: It’s OK, Wayne. We all forget things sometimes.
[Wayne looks down at the coffee in his cup. With a kind smile Max catches his eye]
You know, I want to apologize myself. I didn’t mean to lose my patience. I shouldn’t have reacted like that at the Kingdom Hall. I’m sorry. You know, when I first got this assignment, I made some mistakes myself.
[Wayne perks up]
Wayne: Really?
Max: Yeah, I really did. So, I had scheduled two speakers
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2023 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: