Transcripts: Whiteboard Animations
What's a Real Friend? Whiteboard Animation (With Audio Description) (4:14)

Transcript: What’s a Real Friend?
[Whiteboard animation. Text: What's a real friend? On a dry erase board with a black marker, the face of a teenage boy is drawn]
Presenter: What’s a real friend? Someone who brings out the best in you.
[Boy draws a picture of his friend]
Someone who’s always there for you, even when times are tough.
[A boy hangs from a cliff]
Proverbs 18:24 says that they can even stick closer than a brother.
[His friend pulls him up]
Now, that’s a real friend.
[Two boys sit on a bench]
Friends like that are hard to find.
[One disappears]
And if you worry too much about being liked by everyone, you just may settle for less.
[Girls surrounded by friends, then they all vanish]
So, what should you look for?
[In front of a train, a boy looks at a map]
Well, don’t judge a book by its cover.
[Books hide faces]
Look for what’s on the inside. Look for a friend you can trust,
[A boy plays his friend's guitar]
a friend who forgives,
[Strings break]
someone who doesn’t hold your mistakes against you.
[His friend shrugs]
When it comes to friends, one good friend is better than a hundred fake ones.
[Many faces on social media]
To find a real friend, you may have to look outside your comfort zone.
[A girl looks out a window]
They may be where you least expect.
[She looks up a tree]
So be open-minded. Branch out.
[Different friends sit on branches]
Don’t just settle for a clone of yourself.
[Three identical girls]
Potential friends could have hobbies or talents that you don’t have.
[Change to girls who bake and play music]
They could be older, or younger.
[Switch to elderly lady and little girl]
They could be of a different background or culture.
[Switch to girls of different cultures]
So don’t limit yourself. But remember, real friends need to have good standards.
[Three rough looking people erased]
Have you ever had a friend who took advantage of you,
[Runs away with your money]
or talked behind your back, or spread lies about you?
[A girl stands under a rain cloud]
You deserve better than that!
[A hand gives her an umbrella]
So, watch out for toxic friends. Toxic friends care only about what they can get out of you. They tear you down because of the way you talk, the way you look, or even for your beliefs.
[Blobs of goo are thrown at a boy]
Real friends aren’t like that. They let you be yourself. So, you need to choose smart friends.
[Smiling for a selfie]
Not just book-smart, but smart in life.
[Lady writes E equals MC squared]
They are the kind that stand for something, and they show it.
[Doesn’t smoke]
Proverbs 27:17 says that true friends learn from each other,
[Friend doesn’t smoke]
just as iron sharpens iron. They even make you a better person. So how do you get a friend like that?
[A boy's on a trapeze]
You can’t always expect people to reach out to you. You need to take the initiative.
[Hands reach]
Take the first step and start a conversation.
[The friend grabs his hands and swings him on the trapeze]
Wait! You do need to talk —but not just about yourself. Ask them questions. Then listen. Really listen.
[A brain listens]
You see, listening is one of the best gifts you can give a friend.
[A boy listens as his friend talks]
Now what? Now it’s time to put in some work.
[A shovel digs]
That’s right, work. You have to work to make this friendship grow. So be the kind of friend that’s loyal, who doesn’t hold a grudge. Be there for them, even when times get tough. When you do this, your friendship will really grow.
[Flowers grow]
Philippians 2:4 says to keep an eye not just on yourself but to take an interest in others. Taking an interest in others is what friendship is all about.
[A girl hands flowers to a lady in a wheelchair]
You know, you’re going to meet a lot of people in life. It will be up to you to choose your friends. So, choose wisely. Choose real friends!
[Logo of JW.org is drawn. Text: Download the book, questions young people ask, answers that work, volumes 1 and 2 at JW.org.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2013 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]