Transcripts: Essential Bible Teachings
What Is God’s Kingdom? (With Audio Description) (3:06)
Jesus taught about God’s Kingdom more than any other subject. What is the Kingdom? How will it benefit you?

Transcript: What happens at a Kingdom Hall?
Presenter: All around the world, people come together every week at places of worship called Kingdom Halls.
[United States. Malawi. Japan]
Have you ever wondered what happens inside a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
[South Korea]
It’s a place where Bible study programs and lectures are held each week.
Sister 1: The first time I attended a meeting, I felt very happy. The atmosphere was so good; I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere else.
[South Africa]
Sister 2: The people are loving, orderly, and show an interest in people.
Presenter: Every meeting is open to the public. Seats are free and no collections are ever taken.
[People follow along in their Bibles]
Families are invited to attend and learn together.
[A sign Language Congregation sings by using their hands]
All meetings begin and end with song and prayer.
[An Interpreter uses tactile sign]
One meeting, usually held on the weekend, includes a 30-minute Bible discourse especially designed for the general public. After that, there’s a question-and-answer discussion based on an article in the study edition of the Watchtower magazine. Participation is always voluntary.
Brother 1: At one of the meetings during the week, we not only study the Bible but also receive training in public speaking.
[A young boy delivers a talk]
Brother 2: Everyone is invited to the Christian meetings, including those who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Sister 3: You can go into any Kingdom Hall and receive the same program of Bible instruction.
Presenter: Bible education, upbuilding association, and the opportunity to praise God await you at Christian meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
[To find a Kingdom Hall near you, please visit the about us section and fill in the congregation meeting search. Computer icons pop up then transform into JW.org]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2014 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]