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Transcripts: Essential Bible Teachings

What Is God’s Kingdom? (With Audio Description) (3:06)

Jesus taught about God’s Kingdom more than any other subject. What is the Kingdom? How will it benefit you?

Transcript: What Is God’s Kingdom?
[Text: What Is God’s Kingdom? Jesus teaches a crowd by the sea]
Presenter: Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he taught about God’s Kingdom more than any other subject.
[Text: Luke 4:43. His early disciples]
For centuries, his followers have prayed for that Kingdom to come.
[Text: Luke 11:2. Modern day Father and Son]
But what is the Kingdom?
[A woman turns her head with an inquisitive look]
A kingdom is a type of government. A government includes a ruler, a seat of government, a territory that is ruled over, laws, and citizens.
[In a slum, children fill buckets with water. An impressive building shines in the background]
Sadly, many human governments fail to meet the needs of their people,
[Text: Ecclesiastes 8:9]
advancing their own interests instead.
[Tanks and battleships in warfare]
In contrast, God’s Kingdom has the perfect Ruler —Jesus— someone God himself chose to be King. God also selects others to be associate rulers with Jesus. This Kingdom rules from heaven.
[Text: Matthew 4:17]
It receives its power and authority from God. Its domain will include the whole earth, eliminating problems caused by nationalism.
[Text Psalm 72:8]
And anyone who obeys its laws can be a citizen.”
[Text: Acts 10:34, 35]
How will the Kingdom benefit its citizens? When on earth, Jesus showed through his miracles what God’s Kingdom would do.
[Text: Mark 4:36-41]
When Jesus calmed a storm, he showed that as King he will control earth’s natural forces, solving environmental problems.
[Text: Matthew 14:17-21]
By miraculously feeding thousands, he demonstrated that the Kingdom will eliminate world hunger.
[Text: Luke 18:35-43]
When Jesus healed the sick, lame, deaf, and blind, he gave us a preview of the perfect health that all will enjoy under his rule.
[Girl stands from wheelchair and runs along beach with others]
And by resurrecting people, he showed that through the Kingdom, he will reverse death itself.
[Text: Luke 8:40-56. Woman runs to man; they smile and hug. Jesus on heavenly throne]
You may wonder, ‘When will God’s Kingdom rule the earth? How can you support God’s Kingdom now?’ To learn more about what the Bible says on this and many other topics, go to
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2021 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)

[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

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