Transcripts: What Your Peers Say
What Your Peers Say About Procrastination (With Audio Description) (1:46)
Hear what young people have to say about the pitfalls of procrastinating and the benefits of using your time wisely.

Transcript: What Your Peers Say. Procrastination
[Reyon and Libby]
Reyon: I wait until the last minute to do everything.
Libby: I know what has to be done, but I say, “Oh, oh, I’ll just do it after I finish this,” or “I’ll just do it after I finish watching this program on TV.”
[Text: What Your Peers Say. Procrastination]
Reyon: Sometimes if I try to start early on an assignment, I don’t have the motivation to get it done.
Libby: I think, mainly, the big one for me is TV. Before you watch it. You can be watching a pointless reality TV thing, and it takes up so much of your time. And then you think after it, you think, ‘That wasn’t even very good.’
Reyon: Many people don’t like to rely on a person who is a procrastinator because they know that they are going to wait until the last second to do something, and they may not even do it right.
Libby: I find that procrastinating does affect my stress levels. I’ve actually gotten a bit of eczema from it because it brings it out in my skin because I get so stressed.
[Text: Use your time wisely! “Make sure of the more important things.” Philippians 1:10]
Reyon: In the past, I’ve worked on assignments, and I’ve started early on them and I’ve started late on other assignments. The assignments I’ve spent more time on, taking the time to start on them early, I’ve done so much better on them.
Libby: It’s definitely, it’s much better to be organized, I think, because in the long run, you get so many more things done. And then at the end of the year or the end of the week, or something, you can look back and think, ‘I’ve accomplished so much.’
[Text: “Discernment will safeguard you.” Proverbs 2:11. Download the books Questions young People Ask. Answers that Work, Volumes 1 and 2 at JW.org]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2013 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]