Transcripts: Apply Bible Principles
Work What Is Good Toward Our Brothers (With Audio Description) (5:07)

Transcript: Work What Is Good Toward Our Brothers
[Rain pours off a leaf covered roof then splashes the ground. In the yard a blue handled rake leans against a brick wall. Inside the home an older brother Ho-jin watches the rain from the window. He walks to his chair and sits down slowly. Leaning back, he looks at a cane propped against the wall. At a Kingdom Hall, two brothers wearing hard hats, carry a ladder. In the foyer, a middle-aged brother Ji-hoon and his wife greet another couple. Outside, Ho-jin shuffles his way down a sidewalk towards the entrance. With wide smiles, Ji-hoon and his wife greet Ho-jin.
Ji-hoon: Everything I know about Kingdom Hall maintenance, I learned from Brother Ho-jin Kang.
[Ji-hoon reflects back]
He encouraged me when I needed a little push,
[In yellow rain jackets they do yard work at the Kingdom Hall]
taught me the right way to do things,
[Together they replace the filters of a drinking fountain]
and continued to teach me with kindness and love.
[then tighten water pipes in a bathroom. Kneeling in front of the sink Ji-hoon looks up and smiles at Ho-jin]
So, when he asked to borrow a ladder, I was happy to lend him mine.
[Back to present, Ho-jin pats Ji-hoon on the shoulder and bows. In front of their home Ji-hoon secures a ladder to the roof of his car]
Ji-hoon wife: Honey,
[His wife hurries down the steps]
here are some things I need
[she hands him a list]
for our lunch today with the Youngs.
Ji-hoon: Mhm.
Ji-hoon wife: What’s the ladder for?
Ji-hoon: Ah, Ho-jin needs it.
Ji-hoon wife: Ho-jin? How’s he doing? I heard something about a cane.
Ji-hoon: Ho-jin? A cane? No way! He’s still as strong as an ox.
Ji-hoon wife: Maybe, but it seems like, well, you’ll see how he’s doing.
[He nods]
And don’t forget to stop at the store.
[puzzled his stands alone by the car]
Ji-hoon: Ho-jin? A cane?
[he gets in]
No way.
[Now at Ho-jin’s door. He looks at his watch then peers through the window looking for Ho-jin]
Ho-jin: I’m coming! Here I come!
[Ho-jin opens his door]
Ji-hoon: Oh, sorry.
Ho-jin: It’s OK.
Ji-hoon: Is everything OK?
Ho-jin: I just can’t dash down the stairs.
[Ji-hoon see’s the cane propped against the wall]
Ji-hoon: I was on my way to the store and thought I’d drop off the ladder.
Ho-jin: Thanks! Just leave it by the garage. It’s almost time for lunch. The gutters can wait. They’ve waited this long.
Ji-hoon: OK. Will do. Bye.
Ho-jin: Drive safe!
[As he leaves the ladder by the garage, he notices a broken ladder laying in the grass. Later in the grocery store parking lot Ji-hoon gets in his car, turning the key in the ignition he pauses]
Ji-hoon: Gutters?
[then imagines Ho-jin slowly climbing the ladder by himself, the ladder sways, leans to one side and begins to fall. Back to reality gasping at the thought, he drops his head and grips the stirring wheel. He calls his wife]
Ji-hoon wife: Hi, Honey. OK. But what about lunch? The Youngs will be here in an hour.
Ji-hoon: I know. I picked up the items you asked for, but I can’t just leave. It got me thinking about the neighborly Samaritan.
[Recalling the Bible account an injured man lays on the road]
When we see a need, we can’t be like the priest and Levite who just walked away.
[A man wearing a blue outer garment kneels beside the injured man]
The Samaritan cared enough to stop, examine the need,
[with the injured man slumped over the back of the donkey he leads them away]
and took the time to help the poor man,
[he pays an innkeeper as the injured man lays on a cot]
Ji-hoon and Ji-hoon wife: a man he didn’t even know
Ji-hoon wife: Of course! “Work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.”
Ji-hoon: I love you. And I have an idea. Let’s not cancel with the Youngs. I’ll go back and pick up my ladder and tell Ho-jin that I’ll come back Saturday afternoon to help him clean out the gutters.
[a brother in a blue stripped sweater holds the ladder while Ji-hoon removes leaves from the gutter at Ho-jin’s house. On the porch, their wives put snacks on a table]
Ji-hoon: It’s such a blessing to be able to care for the needs of our brothers
[The two couples help Ho-jin with yard work]
and feel their loving care for us.
[At the table, the five friends enjoy refreshments, talk, and laugh]
[Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2022 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania]
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