Transcripts: Our Organization
Your Donations Have Power (With Audio Description) (6:25)

Transcript: Your Donations Have Power
[Gajus Glockentin. Helper to the Publishing Committee]
Gajus: Jehovah appreciates the effort made by his worshippers each day to show their love for his Son, Jesus. In his statement recorded at John 14:23 Jesus himself made this point clear: “If anyone loves me, “he will observe my word, and my Father will love him. It is truly beautiful to observe how you have embraced his word. You are tirelessly devoting time and physical power to advance the work of preaching about the Kingdom. As loyal friends of Jesus and Jehovah, you have also shown steadfast support for the Kingdom through your monetary donations. Within your means, you have given generously. Jehovah highly esteems these powerful gifts, which are expressions of love for what his Son is doing. The brothers of the Governing Body have asked me to express their deep appreciation for the love you have shown. We want to reassure you that your donations have a powerful impact. Since June 2020 the article series “How Your Donations Are Used” has chronicled this power. Each one tells a story highlighting how donations are being used to further the Kingdom work. Have you ever wondered what happened after the article was published? In the following video, notice how your donations continue to have a powerful effect.
[Article: Defending Religious Freedom in Indigenous Communities May 1, 2021]
[Gabriela de Munoz. Ecuador Legal Department]
Gabriela: After an indigenous community opposed the freedom of worship of our brothers in Ecuador, the constitutional court heard a court case regarding this fundamental issue: Should the indigenous communities respect international human rights? The court accepted our reasoning and decided yes! With the loving support through the donations from our brotherhood and Jehovah’s blessing on this issue, the court ruling is available and has already been used for legal argument in other similar cases and in other parts of the world.
[Gustavo Tamayo. Ecuador Branch Committee]
Gustavo: This court decision was a great victory for our brothers and sisters around the world. But if we think about the community where the opposition arose, we can see the encouraging progress. The community was surprised by the size of the organization behind this small group of local publishers. The more the community got to know Jehovah’s Witnesses, the more they respected and valued us. Now instead of experiencing opposition, our brothers enjoy a peaceful relationship with the community. For example, the congregation of fifty-three publishers enjoyed a Memorial attendance of one hundred and six in 2024.
[Article: Surplus Offsets a Deficiency. October 1, 2020]
[Fredrick Oduor. Local Design/Construction Department]
Fredrick: Because of the tremendous growth, Africa has about the same need for new Kingdom Halls and major renovations as all the other continents combined. The cost of construction in Africa continues to be a challenge. In Tanzania, for example, where about twenty-five million Tanzanians live on less than two dollars(U.S.) a day, building a new Kingdom Hall can cost over fifty thousand dollars(U.S.). Thanks to the donations of local publishers, along with those from the global brotherhood, publishers are able to enjoy new and renovated Kingdom Halls in all parts of the world.
[Asaph Emanuel Siame. Tanzania]
Asaph: Here in Mafinga, we benefited from a renovation of our Kingdom Hall. It is a place of worship that is respectable. Now we even get the videos easily. Truly, it has given a very good witness in the community and has attracted many to the meetings. We thank Jehovah for this provision of support through our worldwide brotherhood.
[Article : Producing the Most Important Book of All. January 1, 2021]
[Blandine Monga. Kiluba Remote Translation Office]
Blandine: Translating the Bible takes many years. Therefore, it requires thousands of hours of work by the translators. Through the donations made by the brothers and sisters, we use a translation tool developed by the organization. This tool helps us to translate the Bible in a clear and understandable way.
[Russel Ngoy. Congo (Kinshasa) Branch Committee]
Russel: In certain remote areas, access to the Bible is a big challenge. In Tombe, for example, a congregation had only one Bible to share among all the publishers, and that translation of the Bible was difficult to understand. After the release of the Kiluba ‘New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures’ in 2018 we had an increase of more than twenty percent of publishers in just one year. It is clear that the Word of God in Kiluba has had a big impact on our brothers and sisters.
Gajus: We are confident that seeing the impact of your donations strengthens your faith. But what if you have little materially? Perhaps you wish you could give more. If that is how you feel, remember what the Bible says about our gifts to Jehovah: “It is especially acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what a person does not have.” Your generosity with what you have is what shows how much you love the Christ. And rest assured, your donations are meaningful, appreciated, and they have power. It is our prayer that you will continue to see the power that your love of the Christ has on your brothers. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2024 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: