Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Never Give Up Hope! (1:48) Lesson 1

Transcript: Never Give Up Hope!
[An interview with Doris Eldred Re-enactment scenes]
Teacher: My whole life I wanted to be a teacher.
[Younger Doris on a dock]
It was very gratifying,
[She gazes at a pond]
but yet there was something that was empty in my life.
[In her class]
I would see children that were disabled
[A girl in a wheelchair]
not because they had done anything wrong, they were just born that way. And I thought to myself: ‘That doesn’t make sense to me. God is a God of love. I know God can fix all these things. Why hasn’t he?’ And then it was a child in my school that successfully got me the answers to my questions. She asked me the question: Do you know I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Would you like to know more about Jehovah’s Witnesses? And I thought to myself: ‘I do. I really do.’ Why don’t you come over and visit me someday and tell me about Jehovah’s Witnesses. When she came back the next week, I sat there and listened, and she taught me things. She taught me how to look into my own Bible to find the answers to questions.
[They study The Truth Book]
And all of a sudden,
[Her face lights up]
I’m getting answer after answer after answer, which for 25 years I couldn’t find these answers anywhere. And it was amazing to me.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2017 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)