Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
How My Happy New Life Began (2:53) Lesson 1 Explore
Sergey had felt insecure since he was a child. He asked God to help him find a purpose in life, and his prayer was answered just two hours later.

Transcript: How My Happy New Life Began
[An overcast day. On a bridge the reflection of a man in puddles of water]
Man: I’ve been an insecure and reserved person since childhood.
[He strolls along the snow-covered bridge]
When I finished school, my report said that I was unable to express myself and that I had a limited vocabulary.
[He stops to gaze at the rushing water]
Those words injured my already low self-esteem.
[He thinks back]
So, I started to wonder, ‘What am I living for?’
[In a dark room, he pours a drink then puts the bottle on the table]
During my teenage years, I began to drink alcohol.
[He guzzles down his drink]
Life seemed meaningless to me. I felt depressed and started to have suicidal thoughts.
[The empty bottle rolls off the table, hits the ground and shatters]
When I was around 20, I became obsessed with hard rock. This music really charged me with energy.
[As lights flash, a wild band plays for a crazed crowd]
I loved its roughness and rapidness. It whipped me into a frenzy.
[The wild crowd jumps and pumps their fists]
In time, I became rude and aggressive. I often quarrelled with those close to me. This, of course, did not bring me happiness. I started to have suicidal thoughts again, but serious ones this time. The only thing that stopped me was the thought that my mom would not survive it.
[Photo with his mom]
I tried to take my mind off these thoughts, and I began to want to do something for God. For the first time in my life, I poured out my heart to God in prayer.
[He kneels]
I asked him to help me find my purpose in life.
[Hands clasped]
Just two hours later, Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on my door and offered a Bible study.
[He opens the door]
That is how my new, happy life began.
[With their Bibles open he sits with a couple]
Although it wasn’t easy for me, I got rid of everything that was related to hard rock and alcohol.
[Present Day he reads a Bible]
I thought that I would never be able to tell others about my faith. At the same time, however, I understood that people needed to hear about it. [On a public walkway]
But to my surprise, my preaching gave me confidence. It also strengthened my faith.
[He shares a video with a man]
Now I have a good family. I’m happy that I’ve been able to help people, including my sister and mom, to learn the truth from the Bible.
[On a bridge, he looks out at the snow-covered landscape]
Throughout my life as a Christian, Jehovah’s words at Hebrews 13:5 have greatly supported me: “I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you.” And he didn’t abandon me, even when I did not know him.
[As the sun sets, golden light shines on his face]
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