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Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!

Why Study the Bible? (3:14) Lesson 1 Explore

Learn how the Bible can help you find answers to life’s big questions.

Transcript: Why Study the Bible?
[In a field of yellow flowers, a mom kneels beside her crawling baby]
Presenter: From the moment we can talk, we ask questions.
[The baby reaches for a butterfly]
Why is the sky blue?
[With his grandfather, a boy points at the sky]
What are the stars made of?
[Next to her father, a girl gazes through a telescope]
Why do bad things happen?
[A man with a bandaged head lies in a hospital bed]
Where do we come from?
[In a classroom, a teacher points to pictures depicting evolution]
Why do people die?
[At a grave site, a boy cries with his mother]
People go to great lengths to find answers.
[A rocket launches]
Today, there is more information available than ever before.
[Images scroll across a cell phone]
But the big questions, questions about life, suffering, and death, still remain.
[A homelessness man sits by a fire]
Where can we find answers?
[At a desk, a woman looks at a computer]
What if the answers have been there all along in the Bible?
[She takes a Bible off a shelf and looks through the pages]
A lot of people say, the Bible is full of myths and legends.
[Moses parts the red sea]
That it’s outdated.
[In a horse and carriage, a woman reads]
Or it’s just too hard to understand.
[Next to a fire place, a man study’s Bible prophecy]
But is the Bible really the problem, or is it what people think they know about the Bible? People think the Bible says that God controls the world.
[A hand holds the earth]
But how could that be?
[A dark gloomy cityscape]
This world is out of control!
[Rioters hurl objects and struggle with police]
It’s full of pain and suffering,
[Holding her stomach, a woman weeps over a crib]
sickness and death,
[An old man with an oxygen tube winces]
poverty and disaster.
[A Mom holds her limp child]
How could a loving God be responsible for all of this? What the Bible says may surprise you.
[A Bible flips open]
It says: ‘The Evil One controls the whole world.’ In other words, there’s an evil power behind the world’s problems, someone who’s pulling the strings behind the scenes.
[A Priest and troops]
That’s why, no matter how hard we try, humans just cannot solve the world’s problems.
[Protesters chant]
The good news is: The Bible says things will not always be like this! It tells us why we’re in this situation, how God will fix it, and how we can deal with it in the meantime.
[At a table, two couples study the Bible]
The Bible is helping millions of people around the world find answers to life’s big questions
[A collage of happy people]
Would you like to be one of them?
[A woman on a couch shares a Bible with her husband]
(Logo: White capital letters JW.ORG inside a blue box. Copyright 2013 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)

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