Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
The Bible Foretold the Fall of Babylon (0:58) Lesson 3

Transcript: The Bible Foretold the Fall of Babylon
[On a porch a woman looks at the pouring rain, she then looks at her phone forecasting sunshine]
Presenter: No human can foretell the future in exact detail. Yet, about the year 732 B.C.E., the prophet Isaiah foretold that a man named Cyrus would conquer the mighty city of Babylon, that he would “dry up” a river, and that he would enter the city through open gates.
[Soldiers charge in]
[Isaiah 44:27 through 45:4]
History confirms that every detail of this prophecy was fulfilled.
[539 B.C.E]
Concerning the same city, the prophet Jeremiah foretold that Babylon would “become piles of stones” and “never again be inhabited.” Despite its strategic location, Babylon eventually became a pile of stones and remains that way!
[614 B.C.E Jeremiah 50:39; 51:37]
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