Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Who Is the Author of the Bible? Excerpt (2:48) Lesson 5

Transcript: Who is the Author of the Bible?
Presenter: Who is the Author of the Bible?
[A black Holy Bible]
The Bible is a collection of 66 small books.
[It fans out to 66 books]
Over 3,500 years ago, Moses began writing the first of those books.
[The books descend]
During the next 1,600 years, some 40 different men wrote the remaining books that make up the Bible.
[Pictures of Bible writers]
If men wrote the text, why is the Bible called “the word of God”?
[An office in a city]
Consider this: When a businessman wants to send an important message, he might use a secretary to write a letter or an e-mail.
[Employer talks]
The employer tells his secretary the thoughts he wants to convey,
[the secretary types and sends]
and the secretary compiles those thoughts into the e-mail. Although the secretary types the e-mail, he is not the author. In a similar way, the Bible writers expressed thoughts and feelings in their own style,
[Text: Luke. c. 60 C.E]
but the message did not originate with them. So where did it come from? The Bible says: “All Scripture is inspired of God.”
[Text: 2 Timothy 3:16, New World Translation]
Jehovah God used his power to guide their minds, transmitting his thoughts to them. How did he do this?
[Text: Dreams. Daniel 7:1 through 8]
While the prophet Daniel was asleep, Jehovah caused him to have dreams.
[Four huge beasts come out of the sea]
Others, like the prophet Ezekiel, were awake when God caused them to see incredible visions.
[Text: Visions. Ezekiel 1:1 through 28]
Sometimes, Jehovah used angels to communicate his thoughts, such as when he spoke with the apostle John.
[Text: Angels. Revelation 1:1]
But could Jehovah God really transmit his message in these ways?
[A man uses his cell phone]
Today, people can communicate their thoughts over great distances.
[Rocket launch]
They can even communicate with astronauts in outer space.
[From a control centre, a man speaks to an astronaut]
If humans can do this, is it not reasonable to conclude that their Creator can do far more?
[In space, the sun emits rays upon the earth]
We can trust the Bible because it was authored, not by man, but by our loving Creator, Jehovah God.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2016 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)