Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Belief in God (2:43) Lesson 6

Transcript: Belief in God
[On a chalkboard, white text ‘What your peers say about belief in God. High school students sketch in a notebook]
Gabriel: A lot of people say that no intelligent person would believe in God.
Larissa: But that’s just not true. Many professionals believe in God, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, even many scientists.
Gabriel: When I see a car, I ask myself, ‘Who built that?’ It takes intelligent people to design a car. I mean, so many things have to work just right for the whole thing to run smoothly.
Lindsey: And if a car needed someone to design it, so did humans and so did the earth and so did the universe.
Robbie: It’s like you’re walking on a beach; you see an empty glass bottle sticking out of the sand. Now glass, it’s made out of sand particles. But, honestly, would an intelligent person believe that the bottle assembled itself from sand particles? No, of course not!
Larissa: Researchers are exploring design features of insects, fish, and other animals to create new products,
Gabriel: or improve products that already exist.
Heather: There’s a bird called the kingfisher. Its beak is shaped so that it can dive quickly from air into water without losing too much speed. So, engineers have used the shape of this bird’s beak to design the nose of Japan’s bullet train. As a result, it goes 10 percent faster while using 15 percent less energy.
Gabriel: Some airplanes navigate with the help of a computerized autopilot system that could fit in your hand.
Julie: But that’s nothing! The monarch butterfly has a brain the size of a pinhead, and yet it’s able to navigate from Canada all the way to Mexico. That’s more than 1,800 miles. That’s amazing! Humans get credit for the designs they’ve copied from nature. So, who should get credit for the originals?
Larissa: No matter where we look in the natural world, at birds, butterflies, fish
Gabriel: Everything gives evidence of a Creator.
Robbie: Want more information? Go to jw.org, look for the Publications tab, and download the brochure Was Life Created?
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