Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Was the Universe Created? Excerpt (3:51) Lesson 6

Transcript: Was the Universe Created?
[Text: Was the Universe Created?]
[In a museum a large model of Satan hangs from the ceiling. A glass case displays model planets next to a touch screen exhibit. A man approaches the screen then taps the play icon]
Presenter: The universe is vast and awe-inspiring.
[He swipes the screen to show a rotating earth]
Earth and life on it are amazingly complex.
[A cut out of a cell reveals the inner structure]
How did it all get here?
[Five unique snowflakes. Walking away from the screen the man strolls towards a large rotating globe]
The Bible book of Genesis says that there is a Creator. But the account is often misunderstood or even dismissed as a myth.
[Pausing he looks at a trifold brochure]
Is what the Bible says about the origin of the universe plausible?
[He stops to view a wide movie screen]
Scientists estimate that the universe is 14 billion years old.
[A timeline darts from left to right]
This implies that the universe, including earth, had a beginning.
[Two lines indicate the beginning of the universe and the earth]
The Bible agrees. Genesis 1:1 reads: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The account does not say when or how the universe began. Rather, it focuses on the creative process that took place on earth over six periods of time, which the Bible calls days. Were these six 24-hour days, as many believe? No. The Hebrew word used in the Bible for “day” can refer to various lengths of time. Genesis even summarizes the six days of creation as one day, “the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.
[Text: Genesis 2:4]
Each “day” in Genesis chapter 1 must have spanned extremely long periods of time. The accounts perspective is also important.
[Moses writes at a table]
The writer describes the creative periods as they would have appeared to an observer on the earth. Had someone been there, he would have seen events that started in one period and then progressed into the following periods.
[Text: 1]
Light penetrated the atmosphere to reveal alternating day and night.
[Text: 2]
Earth was covered with water, and vapor filled the air. The dense clouds lifted from the waters that covered the earth, forming an expansive sky between them.
[Text: 3]
Water receded to uncover dry ground, and the first plants appeared.
[Text: 4]
The atmosphere cleared further to reveal the sun and the moon.
[Text: 5]
God created living creatures in the sea and flying creatures above.
[Text: 6]
And in the last period, God created land animals and humans.
[In a lush green paradise, a bird, a fox, Adam and Eve. Back in the museum the man pause to view an exhibit under construction]
In harmony with the Genesis account, the Bible says: Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.
[Hebrews 3:4]
The Bible does not speak in scientific detail, but its account of creation is logical and reasonable.
[The man heads toward the exit]
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