Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Creation Reveals Jehovah’s Love. The Human Body (1:57) Lesson 7

Transcript: Creation Reveals Jehovah’s Love. The Human Body
[A blue-eyed baby smiles]
Presenter: From the moment we are born, we experience the world through our senses.
[A brown-eyed infant’s tiny hand grips an adult’s finger]
Touch lets us feel safe and loved.
[A mamma kisses her baby’s chubby cheeks]
We use it to explore and learn.
[A boy examines a feather in his hand]
The sounds we hear convey meaning.
[A cellist plays in an orchestra]
With two ears, we can locate a sound’s direction.
[A conductor waves a baton as musicians play violins]
Different wavelengths of light are perceived as a range of vivid colors.
[A waterfall and rainbow]
Images from each eye combine in 3-D so that we can better judge depth and distance.
[A boy kicks a ball]
We can detect over ten thousand smells
by using a small group of cells that detect microscopic materials in the air.
[Vegetables sizzle in a pan]
We taste, see, smell, touch, and hear in one enjoyable experience, with all the senses converging in one place —our brain.
[Neurones fire]
Some two hundred billion nerve cells are connected by trillions of tiny contacts. The brain interprets chemical signals from each sense, connects new information to what we already know, and stores lasting memories.
[Children giggle]
Life is a precious gift from our loving Creator. King David was inspired to write: “I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know this very well.”
[Psalm 139:14]
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