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Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!

Does God Listen to All Prayers? Excerpt (2:42) Lesson 9

Transcript: Does God Listen to All Prayers?
[text: Does God Listen to All Prayers? At a kitchen table a family prays]
Presenter: “The Bible describes God as the “Hearer of prayer.”
[Text: Psalm 65:2]
He can even hear your silent prayers. How is that possible?
[A passenger on a train bows her head]
The Hearer of prayer is also the Creator of all life. He understands how the human mind works. He designed it. So, he can read the thoughts of your mind and hear your silent prayers.
[Inside the human brain. The passenger exits the train]
Jehovah God is interested in you no matter where you live. Whatever language you speak, he understands it. But does he accept and listen to all prayers?
[A big city. Inside a grocery store]
Imagine a manager who sees an employee stealing.
[Employee stuffs cash in his pocket]
The manager confronts him, but the employee first lies about his stealing and then tries to justify his actions. Although the manager hears the employee’s lies and excuses, he refuses to accept them. Similarly, God does not accept all prayers. For example, what if a person’s prayer is selfish?
[At a casino a man gambles]
What if a man mistreats his wife at home, and the next day he asks for God’s blessings?
[Text: 1 Peter 3:7]
What if soldiers pray to God for help to destroy their enemy, while the opposing army prays for the same thing?
[Text: Isaiah 1:15]
Will God accept such prayers? Clearly, God is not pleased with prayers that conflict with his moral principles.
[Sick child prays]
On the other hand, God eagerly accepts your prayers, even if you have done bad things, if you sincerely want to draw close to him and seek his wisdom and forgiveness.
[A woman grieves next to her wedding picture]
Being heard by God is indeed possible for those who strive to please him.”
[Text: Does God really hear your prayers? What can prayers do for you? To learn more about what the Bible says on this, and many other topics go to]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2021 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)

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