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Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!

Prayer Helps Us to Cope (1:32) Lesson 9

Transcript: Prayer helps Us to Cope.
[Matteo Dalla-Longa. France]
Matteo: I’ve been suffering from a very rare type of cancer since I was eight years old. I have a tumour growing along my spine next to my heart. It causes heart problems and very violent back pains.
[Natasha Dalla-Longa. France]
Natasha: I begged Jehovah not to fall apart. I was going to break down, and before I had even finished my prayer, I felt a veil of peace and serenity envelope me. Jehovah was holding my hand, and I could almost hear him saying, ‘I’m with you.’
[She carry’s her sick young boy]
Experiencing such extreme trials allowed me really to taste Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, and that’s wonderful.
Matteo: There are a lot of things I’d like to do, but I am unable to because of my sickness.
[He watches young men play soccer]
I’ve had many feelings since my childhood: frustration, anger, even denial. But Jehovah really helped me accept my situation.
[Matteo conducts a Kingdom Hall meeting]
My parents always taught me to cherish my relationship with Jehovah. Today, I just need to know that Jehovah loves me. When I don’t feel well, I pray to him very intensely for very precise things. Each time, he answers my prayer.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)

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