Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Jehovah Helps Us to Make Changes (3:56) Lesson 12

Transcript: Jehovah Helps Us to Make Changes.
[The sun reflects off calm water as a speedboat cuts across it, driven by a man with a thick moustache and sunglasses]
[Text: Jimmy Brown]
Jimmy: I’m 53 years old. I was known as a troublemaker.
[Flashback. Jimmy throws a punch, hits a man’s jaw]
I was fighting in the bars. It comes to a point to where you begin to enjoy it.
[Man grabs his collar]
[Text: Bill Brookman]
Bill: He was flat-out scary. He was a very mean and violent man, so everybody kind of kept their distance from him.
[Jimmy on a motorcycle]
Jimmy: My language was detestable. I would make grown men blush by the things that I would say and things that I would do. I was involved with some bikers, and they were trying to prospect me into getting into their club. Things were escalating.
[His wife Tammy]
[Text: Tammy Brown]
Tammy: We got married very young, and we were 17.
Jimmy: And we had my oldest daughter.
[He smiles]
Tammy: I was the mom, and he lived a life of being out with his friends and partying.
[Back on his boat]
Jimmy: About that time, my wife started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was a big change for her, but she explained the reasoning behind it. I couldn’t argue with it.
[Holding a fishing rod]
She talked me into studying. I studied from 20 years old to 30.
[He gazes over the water]
I had always seen it. I had always seen that it was good. I knew that this was where I needed to be. Somehow, I just could never break free of the person that I was.
[Text: Brook Klopp]
Brook: My mom always raised us in the truth, growing up, and that’s what we knew. So, then, to see my dad, where he was so different but yet believed it to be the truth, and then to see that his lifestyle didn’t do him any good was kind of a good example of a bad example, if that makes sense.
[Along a rocky shore, he walks past mangroves]
Jimmy: I was afraid of the change. People accepted me for who I was,
[and leans on a palm tree]
being the tough guy, being Jimmy Brown.
[He shrugs]
Bill: The scripture comes to mind: I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow. Many brothers have studied with Jim from time to time over the years. I just happened to be the one at the time in his life when he was taking the truth and running with it.
[Hands in pocket alone, Jimmy walks under a bridge]
Jimmy: I wanted to be a better person. I truly knew that this was just not the way of life that I wanted anymore.
Brook: He changed his friends; he changed his life; he changed his dress and grooming; he changed his speech patterns; he changed the way he was a grandfather; he changed the way he was a father; he changed the way he was a husband. Everything changed about him.
[Palm trees rustle as he drives his boat, heading to open water]
Jimmy: I knew the work that Witnesses do —going out door to door talking to people. I thought I could never do that. Whoa! Me, going door to door? I’m going to run into people that I know that I drank with for years and years. How can I face them now?
[Studies with a man on his boat]
I had always told my wife, it would be much easier for me to become a Witness
[With open Bibles]
if I didn’t live here.
[As waves rock the boat]
But how wrong I was because what a witness my changes have been to so many people in town.
[Reaching out, he helps an older sister]
I love life now.
[At the Kingdom Hall]
I have true friends.
[With friends]
I know that I have hope for the future. Jehovah has seen something in me, and he’s brought it to light
[Fishing with a child]
that I am a good person. I can be a good human being; I can help other people; I can be loved by Him.
[His eyes glisten with emotion]
It’s priceless.
[A silhouette of Jimmy fishing as the sun sinks below the horizon]
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