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Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!

Does God Accept All Forms of Worship?​ Excerpt (3:22) Lesson 13

Transcript: Does God Accept All Forms of Worship?
[A woman driving a car approaches an on-ramp]
Presenter: Many people believe that it doesn’t matter which religion you choose, that religions are like different roads that lead to the same destination, lasting blessings from God. But can that be true? Does God accept all forms of worship? The Bible itself describes worship as two roads: One is spacious with many people on it. The other is cramped with only a few finding it.
[Matthew 7:13,14]
Only the cramped road represents acceptable worship, leading to life and blessings from God. How can we tell if we are on the correct path?
[In a large city, the woman stops to look around]
Imagine that you’re lost. You stop someone to ask for directions. One person says to head east
[A woman points]
another says to go west.
[A man points]
Finally, someone with a map shows you that the destination is actually north. Which one would you believe? The Bible is like that map, leading us to blessings from God. So why are there so many conflicting beliefs?
[People adamantly point in different directions]
For example, many religions teach that the human soul lives eternally in a spiritual realm, while others believe that they are reborn in another body or form.
[Depiction of a man, an elephant and then a tree]
This is just one example of the many religious beliefs in conflict with one another. Could all religions really be teaching the truth? According to the map, the dead know nothing at all.
[Text: For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all.” Ecclesiastes 9:5]
In due time, God will restore them to life and righteous ones will live forever on earth.
[Text: The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” Psalm 37:29]
If the Bible is clear on this teaching, what about other matters, such as our personal conduct?
[A heated dispute in traffic]
We may belong to a religion, but if our conduct offends God, our worship may be futile. The Bible teaches that many people today would be “without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness.”
[Text: 2 Timothy 3:1-7]
However, it also says that true worshippers of God would be peaceable,
[Text: James 1:26, 27]
controlling their speech and actions.
[A woman hands an elderly woman her dropped wallet]
Rather than saying there are many religions that please God, the Bible says there is only one faith.
[Text: Ephesians 4:5]
True worship leads a person to a good relationship with God and everlasting life.
[Text: You may wonder, how can you find the true religion? Must you belong to an organized religion to please God? To learn more about what the Bible says on this and many other topics, go to]
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