Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Does God Accept All Forms of Worship? Excerpt (3:22) Lesson 13

Transcript: Does God Accept All Forms of Worship?
[In her car a woman pensively gazes ahead]
Presenter: Many people believe that it doesn’t matter which religion you choose, that religions are like different roads that lead to the same destination, lasting blessings from God.
[She enters a congested highway]
But can that be true? Does God accept all forms of worship?
[All vehicles travel in the same direction]
The Bible itself describes worship as two roads: One is spacious with many people on it. The other is cramped with only a few finding it.
[Text; Matthew 7:13,14]
Only the cramped road represents acceptable worship, leading to life and blessings from God. How can we tell if we are on the correct path?
[Walking in a city the woman stops and looks around]
Imagine that you’re lost. You stop someone to ask for directions. One person says to head east
[A woman points her one way]
another says to go west.
[A man points her another way]
Finally, someone with a map shows you that the destination is actually north.
[Another woman unfolds a map and shows it to her]
Which one would you believe? The Bible is like that map,
[A map morphs into a Bible]
leading us to blessings from God. So why are there so many conflicting beliefs?
[Around the woman people point different ways]
For example, many religions teach that the human soul lives eternally in a spiritual realm,
[The shadow of a dead man floats to heaven]
while others believe that they are reborn in another body or form.
[Growing to the left of a man an elephant and a tree]
This is just one example of the many religious beliefs in conflict with one another. Could all religions really be teaching the truth?
[The woman looks at the map]
According to the map, the dead know nothing at all.
[Text: “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all.” Ecclesiastes 9:5]
In due time, God will restore them to life and righteous ones will live forever on earth.
[Text: The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” Psalm 37:29]
If the Bible is clear on this teaching, what about other matters, such as our personal conduct?
[The woman watches angry drivers]
We may belong to a religion, but if our conduct offends God, our worship may be futile.
[A Bibles pages scan open]
The Bible teaches that many people today would be “without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness.”
[2 Timothy 3:6,7]
[Looters smash windows]
However, it also says that true worshippers of God would be peaceable,
[Text: James 1:26, 27]
controlling their speech
[An elderly woman drops her wallet]
and actions.
[A younger woman picks it up and gives it to her]
Rather than saying there are many religions that please God, the Bible says there is only one faith.
[Text: Ephesians 4:5]
True worship leads a person to a good relationship with God and everlasting life.
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