Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Does God Approve the Use of Images in Worship? (3:26) Lesson 14

Transcript: Does God approve the use of images in worship?
[A woman watches a TV program featuring ancient societies]
Presenter: Since ancient times, humans have wanted to feel close to God.
[She turns off the TV]
This is a noble desire
[and looks pensively out a window]
The Bible says that if we seek God, we can really find Him and draw close to Him.
[Child with Dad observes the stars]
yet God is invisible. So how can we feel close to a God whom we cannot see?
[1 John 4:12]
Would it help if we venerated physical objects as a means to feel closer to God?
[Man prays at a shrine]
Some people use statues in their worship.
[Woman bows to icon]
Others venerate icons and other religious images as part of their worship.
[Man prays to Virgin Mary statue]
But is it possible that those who try to get closer to God in this way are actually drawing farther away from Him? Consider what the Bible says happened when the ancient Israelites made a statue of a calf and tried to use it to worship God.
[Fire encircles the golden calf]
And they called it a festival to Jehovah, the God of the Bible.
[Exodus 32:7 and 8]
Did God accept this kind of worship? No. He said that he was not pleased with what they had done.
[Lightning flashes]
Just think. Instead of helping them to get closer to God, this object actually pushed them away.
[Caesar observes a statue of himself]
In fact, contrary to ancient rulers who were often viewed as gods and had images of themselves made, the great king overall, Jehovah God, told his people not to create or use images for worship.
[Psalm 95:3]
He said, “You must not make for yourself a carved image. You must not bow down to them. I am a God who requires exclusive devotion.”
[Exodus 20:4 and 5]
Centuries later, the same command applied to Jesus' followers. The apostle John wrote to early Christians saying, “Guard yourselves from idols.”
[1 John 5:21] [In a marketplace, a woman buys an idol]
God explains why his worship should always be free of images. I give my glory to no one else, nor my praise to graven images.
[Isaiah 42:8] [A first -century woman bows her head]
He invites people to draw close to him personally and to pray to him directly without the use of images.
[A modern-day woman bows her head]
Is it really wrong to use images, idols, or icons merely as aids in our worship? How can we feel close to God if we cannot see him? To learn more, search for these topics at www.JW.org or fill out the online request for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to visit. At a time and place convenient for you.
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