Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Is Jesus Christ God? (3:22) Lesson 15

Transcript: Is Jesus Christ God?
[As Jesus is teaching in front of a large crowd, a lame man makes his way to Jesus on crutches. Jesus holds his hand out toward the man]
Presenter: Many people regard Jesus as the most influential person in history. But is he Almighty God himself?
[The man reaches toward Jesus]
Or was he simply a good man?
[The crowd gasp in disbelief]
Many people personally met Jesus, and some of their accounts are found in the Bible, revealing who Jesus really is.
[Text: The angel Gabriel. 2 B.C.E]
For instance, an angel spoke to Jesus’ mother about her unborn son and said: “This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most High.”
[Text Luke 1:32. Jehovah God 29 C.E]
When Jesus was being baptized, God’s own voice confirmed Jesus’ identity: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.”
[Text Matthew 3:17. Text: Peter. Circa 32 C.E]
What did his followers believe? When Jesus asked who they thought he was, Peter responded: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
[Text: Matthew 16:1. Text: Chief Priests. 33 C.E]
What did Jesus’ enemies say? Those wanting to kill him explained why: “According to the law he ought to die, because he made himself God’s son.”
[Text: John 19:7. Text: Jesus. 33 C.E]
What did Jesus himself say about his identity and relationship to God? He told his followers: “The Father is greater than I am.”
[Text: John 14:28. Text: Resurrected Jesus. 33 C.E]
Even after his death and resurrection, Jesus said this about his future: “I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.”
[Text: John 20:17]
The Biblical record makes it clear that Jesus is a distinct person, separate from God Almighty. In fact, the Bible teaches that although Jesus is a powerful spirit creature in heaven, he is still subject to his God and Father. Still, God has given a special assignment to his Son: to bring everlasting life and happiness to all humankind, just as God originally purposed. What else does the Bible say about Jesus? Did Jesus really perform miracles? Why did Jesus die? Will Jesus return? To learn more, search for these topics at JW.org. Or fill out the online request for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to visit at a time and place convenient for you.
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