Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Jesus Fulfills Prophecy (3:03) Lesson 15

Transcript: Jesus Fulfils Prophecy
[Text: Gerrit Lösch. Governing Body]
Gerrit: Let’s consider some outstanding prophecies about Jesus and their fulfilment. One was that he would be born of the tribe of Judah from the family of David the son of Jesse. More than 700 years before Jesus was born, Micah foretold in chapter 5 that he would be born in Bethlehem. The prophecy speaks of “Bethlehem Ephrathah.” Why is the designation “Ephrathah” important? Because there existed another Bethlehem in the territory of Zebulun. It has been identified with Beit Lahm about 7 miles, or 11 kilometres, west-northwest of Nazareth. Again, the prophecy was extremely specific. And amazingly, Isaiah prophesied he would be born of a virgin.
[Background pictures appear]
What human would ever think of such a thing?
[Mary holds baby Jesus]
Daniel chapter 9 foretold that the Messiah would arrive 483 years after the command to rebuild Jerusalem. This proved to be true in the year 29 of our Common Era when Jesus was baptized.
[John and Jesus in the Jordan]
Zechariah chapter 11 foretold that the Messiah would be betrayed for “30 pieces of silver.” Chapter 12 says that his body would be pierced.
[Jesus hangs on the stake]
It was foretold that the Messiah would die a sacrificial death for our sins and be buried in the tomb of a rich man.
[Disciples prepare his body]
Furthermore, prophecy proclaimed that he would be in the grave for parts of three days and then be resurrected.
[He ascends to heaven in a cloud]
What about the argument that Jesus deliberately arranged matters so that the events in his life would fit all these prophecies? What do you think? Could Jesus have arranged to be born of the tribe of Judah in the town of David’s birth in Bethlehem? His mother, Mary, lived in Nazareth. Could he tell her while in the womb, ‘Please take me to Bethlehem because the Scriptures say I must be born there’? Obviously, the very start of his life on earth was beyond his control. Furthermore, could Jesus have arranged for the priests to pay Judas the 30 pieces of silver to betray him? Could he have arranged that his enemies spit in his face? that the Roman authorities sentence him to be nailed to a stake? that the soldiers cast lots for his garments? or that while piercing his side with a spear, they not follow the custom of breaking any of his bones? Could the prophecies just mentioned have been fulfilled by mere chance?
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