Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
A Sick Woman Is Cured (5:10) Lesson 16

Transcript: A Sick Woman is Cured.
[In the area of Capernaum, inside a home, a young girl lies in bed surrounded by relatives. Her mother strokes her forehead with a cloth. Outside, three Israelite women sit together under a small tent, sewing and talking amongst themselves. Nearby, a sick Jewish woman grips her hooded shawl and grimaces as she slowly sits on a rock. She peers at the three women and approaches them]
Jewish woman: Pardon me, good women. I heard that Jesus the Nazarene is somewhere in the area. Have you seen him?
Israelite woman 1: Why are you seeking him out? Are you one of his disciples? Are you one of his servants?
Israelite woman 2: My dear woman, from what I hear, the size of the crowds will not allow you to come near Jesus. Do not even dream of meeting him!
Israelite woman 3: Sisters, sisters! Where is your love of strangers? Please, excuse their rudeness. How can we be of assistance? Come, sit here with us.
Jewish woman: Thank you. I have an urgent need to meet the Lord Jesus.
Israelite woman 2: Well, I’m not sure he’s any kind of lord, but I can tell you I’ve heard no reports about Jesus being around here.
Israelite woman 1: Are you related to him?
Jewish woman: No. But I heard that he’s curing the sick, and I am a very sick woman. I’ve suffered from a flow of blood for some 12 years. I’ve been unable to get a cure from anyone. And I have suffered so much at the hands of many physicians. All of my money has been spent on this dreadful condition. And after all these efforts, am I better? No! I have become worse! When I heard about Jesus and the miracles that he has performed, I knew he must be from God. I have faith in his power. He can heal me. Even if I could touch just the fringes of his outer garment, I will get well. Otherwise, I will surely die.
[A large bustling crowd following Jesus come near]
Jairus: Teacher! Teacher, again I plead with you! My little daughter is extremely ill. Please, come and put your hands on her so that she may get well and live. Please! Come to my house.
Disciple: Jesus, this is Jairus, one of the presiding officers of the synagogue. He has been begging for your help.
Jesus: Jairus, where is your daughter? Please, take me to her.
Jairus: She is a beautiful girl. She is my only daughter. She is only 12 years old, and she is dying. Please! Come quickly!
Jesus: I will come. Please lead the way.
[The sick woman weaves through the crowd and hunches down as she advances toward Jesus quickly grabbing on to his outer garment. Wide-eyed she removes the hood of her shawl, briefly feels her hands over her body then stares up at Jesus who suddenly turns around]
Jesus: Who touched my outer garments? Who touched me?
Follower: Not me, my Lord!
Jesus: Peter, James, did one of you touch me?
Peter and James: No, my Lord. Jesus, surely you can see the crowds pressing in on you. And you ask, who touched me?
Jesus: Someone touched me, for I know that power went out of me.
Disciple: Woman, did you touch the Lord?
[With furrowed brows, she reluctantly turns, dashes towards Jesus and fall to her knees]
Jewish Woman: Please, please forgive me, my Lord. It was I who touched you. I merely touched the fringes of his outer garments.
[Jesus bends down and gently places his hand on her shoulder]
Jesus: Have no fear. You’ve done nothing wrong. Tell me, why did you touch my garment?
Jewish woman: My Lord, I have been very ill for 12 years! Many physicians have treated me. I have spent all that I had trying to find a cure, but my condition got no better. Rather, I got worse! I’ve heard about you. I have faith in you. I knew that if I could just touch the fringes of your outer garment, I could get well. Forgive me! I just wanted to get well.
Jesus: Take courage, daughter! Your faith has made you well.
[With a broad smile, Jesus takes both of her hands, and they stand together]
Go in peace and be healed from your grievous sickness.
[Turning towards the home of Jairus, Jesus and his disciples beam at one another]
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