Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
He Offered to Surrender His Life (2:55) Lesson 18

Transcript: He Offered to Surrender His Life.
[Llyod Likhwide. Malawi. Discusses persecution and agitation from the government]
Lloyd: The persecution spread throughout Malawi soon after the announcement was made that the Witnesses were banned in the country.
[Politicians speak]
Politician: The truth is this, that people who call themselves Jehovah’s Witnesses are not Jehovah’s Witnesses at all. They are Devil’s Witnesses.
[People follow the motorcade]
Lloyd: Their houses were burned, and their maize crops were confiscated because they refused to participate in the country’s politics. The regular visits that Brother Johansson was doing as a branch representative at that time really encouraged the brothers from various parts of the country who were affected by the persecution.
[Malawi refugees]
His wife, Linda, suggested that he should ask someone to accompany him so that he did not have to do the work alone. And she suggested that I accompany him. This was because of the fear of what might happen.
[Linda gives her husband food]
When we got to the ferry crossing, the soldiers told Brother Johansson to get out and stand in front of the jeep.
[Getting out, he opens his arms]
They said to me, You can pass, but we first have to shoot the white man.
[Soldiers aim riffles]
Because the Scriptures say: No one has greater love than this, that someone should surrender his life on behalf of his friends, I said: Shoot me instead! What did this man do?
[He reflects back]
Yes, it happened without me giving it a second thought. It just happened spontaneously.
[Jeep on a ferry]
I stood between him and the soldiers.
[Sharing scriptures with the soldiers and then shaking hands]
Prayer helped very much because the people that we thought were going to harm us had a complete change of heart.
[Peacefully driving away]
On the way back, Brother Johansson also saved my life.
[Mob beats on the jeep]
We were stopped by a youth mob at a roadblock. They asked for the political cards. They would have killed me. So, Brother Johansson just sped off with his vehicle.
[Mob throws things]
Yes, it was very exciting to see that Jehovah God has many ways of saving his people. Elisha said: For there are more who are with us than those who are with them. In the end, Jehovah will rescue his people. So, in countries where our brothers are banned, I encourage them to stand firm, trusting in God, the God who never fails, Jehovah.
[Black and white photograph: young brother Johansson, Linda, and Lloyd. Color photograph: Brother Johansson with his arm around Lloyd’s shoulder. Both with broad smiles]
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