Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Elders Respond to Nepal Earthquake (4:56) Lesson 20

Transcript: Elders Respond to Nepal Earthquake
[Snowy jagged mountain range]
Presenter: Nepal is home to the tallest peak in the world
[Snow-capped mountains]
Mount Everest. Located in the Himalayas, it is bordered by China and India. As of today, Nepal is home to over 2,200 of our brothers and sisters who zealously preach the Kingdom good news to its more than 27 million residents.
[People walking through a city in Nepal]
Tragically, on April 25, everyday life for the people of Nepal changed.
[A bell rings and trembles. Bricks tumble to the ground and dust fills the air]
A 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook the region of Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu.
[Heaps of bricks cover the ground, several men standing among fallen buildings]
Nepal’s residents were now suffering the effects of the most powerful earthquake to hit that region in over 80 years.
[JW Broadcasting. Pravin Tuladhar. Nepal Country Committee]
Pravin: We were caught by surprise by this event. We were not prepared for destruction of this scale. But I am happy to say that our dear brothers and sisters are coping with this situation with calm spirit and with true faith in Jehovah.
[Piles of stone and wood]
Presenter: One hundred sixty-three homes of our brothers were damaged, 91 of which were completely destroyed.
[A destroyed home]
As a result of the devastation, there was an acute shortage of food, water, and sanitary shelter.
[Residents form long lines outside]
Within 24 hours, local brothers in less affected areas and neighboring branch offices coordinated and began the distribution of relief supplies.
[A forklift loading boxes. Brothers coordinate around a table. Boxes pass down a line of brothers. Bottles of water are counted. Supplies being distributed. Food being organised into containers. Large bags of potatoes are hauled. Women and a young girl wash sheets]
A local disaster relief committee was formed, and a medical team was dispatched to care for the physical and emotional needs of those affected.
[Medic tea, assessed comfort in bandage victims]
Simultaneously, attention was given to providing much-needed spiritual comfort and encouragement.
[JW Broadcasting. Reuben Thapaliya. Nepal County Committee]
Rueben: Immediately after the first tremor, elders of each congregation started to contact each member of their congregation. Although there were frequent aftershocks, elders and other brothers personally went to the house of each member who could not be reached over the phone.
Brother 1: Since the first tremor hit us on Saturday afternoon, we were staying in the tents. The very next day, elders visited us. They spoke with us, inquired about our situation. We are very encouraged.
Brother 2: But we are not worried about clothing and food. A sister helped us. Within an hour, elders came to help and encourage us. They are visiting us daily; it’s beautiful; we are happy. Thank you.
Presenter: On May 1, Brother Gary Breaux, a representative of world headquarters, arrived to build up those who had suffered losses.
[Brother Breaux in Nepal speaks with brothers as they inspect damage of a building. He hunches down through a low entrance and works his way through the dark, cramped passage. He encourages brother and sister visiting them outside and in homes. While he speaks, faces of children are shown as they intently listen]
A highlight of the visit was a special meeting held on May 4, which was streamed via the Internet from a Kingdom Hall to other congregations around the country. All of this was only nine days after the earthquake.
[Brother Breaux smiles and greets children]
It is very clear that Jehovah has provided the needed help spiritually, mentally, and physically through his organization and through his holy spirit.
[A group of brothers and sister’s wave. Two young boys wave cheerfully at the camera. Brothers and sisters in a meeting, sing Kingdom songs. A woman joyfully speaks as four others listen. A woman laughing. Two young girls embracing and grinning. A man, woman, and boy. Two women sitting on the floor reading their Bibles and taking notes. Two little girls and a man. Three children. A group of six women. A woman with a calm smile]
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