Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Preaching in “the Most Distant Part of the Earth” (7:33) Lesson 21

Transcript: Preaching in the Most Distant Part of the Earth
Presenter: Our ministry is another kind of search-and-rescue operation, and we search wherever people can be found. For example, in the following report, notice the efforts our brothers made to reach people living in the remotest areas of Africa.
[Sun glistens over rolling sand dunes. Pieter De Heer. South Africa Branch Committee]
Pieter: Jesus made the bold statement at Acts 1:8: You will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth. This resonates deeply in the country of Namibia. These warm and beautiful people are spread across great expanses of dramatic and thirsty land. The people are not only separated by physical distances, but they’re also separated by cultures, ancient traditions, and historic injustices. Since the South Africa branch office oversees the work in this territory, we are pleased to assist a group of brothers from the capital city, Windhoek, with a special witnessing trip.
Brother 1: So, brothers, our journey will start in Windhoek, and we’re going to travel to Gam first. From there, we are going to go to Tsumkwe. We’re going to camp in those two places, Gam and Tsumkwe, and we may travel a distance of about 1,500 km (900 mi). Let’s talk safety now. You want to keep three creatures out of your tent —animals such as hyenas, scorpions, and snakes. Always zip your tent. Toilet facilities —a method that Moses prescribed for the Israelites.
Brother 2: When we enter the Herero home, enter through the side gate. This is to show respect because they have areas in their homesteads that are restricted for ancestor worship. Also, they don’t like being asked direct questions. It would be better to show them pictures and let them comment. The theme scripture, 1 Corinthians 9:22, said: I have become all things to people of all sorts, so that I might by all possible means save some. And that’s really the purpose of our trip —giving them a hope for the future. Brothers and sisters let’s enjoy our trip into the Kalahari.
[A caravan of vehicles heads down a wide dirt road. The brother stopped on the side of the road and preached to a cattleman. As the brothers leave, the cattleman waves goodbye]
Brother 3: So, we’ve been, as a family, involved with unassigned territory for about 30 years. You know, it’s just a privilege to bring the truth to these different cultures. This is probably the only chance that they will have in this distant part of the world to find the truth.
Brother 4: When you talk to them about the truth, you see how people enjoy listening; this is something that changes in their eyes.
[Adolf Denk. Katutura South Congregation]
Adolf: The joy that we get as a family from teaching people about Jehovah is just incomparable; it really rejuvenates our ministry.
[The brothers and sisters gather in a circle]
Brother 5: Welcome to the meeting for field service. We will see two demonstrations presenting the good news to a Herero and a San householder.
[The sisters practice a tribal handshake]
Brother 6: You put that piece of literature in the person’s hand; you feel a sort of peace.
[Ngapue Mieze. Herero Translator]
Ngapue: My grandmother came into contact with the Witnesses through unassigned territory. She moved to the city to attend meetings, and I went with her. I learned the truth from her, and later we were baptized. I work in the translation office in Windhoek, and now I have a part in the translation of the literature for people who live in remote areas like these.
[Erika Kamuatjiuru. Local Resident – Otumumbonde Village]
Erika: We live very far in the bush, so I was happy when they came for the first time. I even asked them: Who sent you to my place? Because this is the right place that you are visiting. These books help me understand my Bible.
[She and her family wave goodbye]
Brother 7: What really helps us also, as a family, is seeing Jehovah’s creation. We’ve been camping here at the big baobab tree. I’m sure it’s thousands of years old.
[Brothers and sister cook and play music around a campfire]
[Michael Reichel. Katutura South Congregation]
Michael: It really does show you exactly how Jehovah feels about every person in his organization. I mean, if he is willing to send six vehicles and over 30 brothers just to find one person in one territory about 600 kilometres (370 mi) from any congregation, then he must have great love for each person in the congregation.
[Juan Van Niekerk. Katutura South Congregation]
Juan: When Jehovah looks at people or at countries, he doesn’t see groups or nationalities, but he sees individuals. And it’s really his will that each individual human being gets to know him, learn to love him, and have a close relationship with him.
[Sunbeams overhead in a bright blue sky, trucks drive through the bush. A few brothers and sister gather with a family under a tree in front of a grass roofed hut]
[Ioma Glaqó. Local Resident - Tsumkwe Village]
[Text translation: Ioma: This visit is from God. And the reason I love it is because God is helping us and encouraging us through this visit. It is so wonderful to see how united both white and black people are. It is also very important that San people hear and understand God’s word in their language]
[Maria Kemp. Gobabis Congregation]
Maria: Since I’m the only San-speaking Witness, I will be thrilled to speak to the San people about God’s Word because I have seen how much joy the truth has brought me. The old lady we witnessed to yesterday —I explained to her that she will also be young, with fresh skin. And then she was very happy that she could be young again, and Jehovah is going to make a paradise soon. It’s really nice that we don’t overlook the children. You could really see that even the ones that were sitting far came closer and were seriously watching the Caleb videos. So, it can really touch their little hearts. I am confident in Jehovah’s Word, where it says that all the nations will hear the truth —even the San people. Even if they are the last ones to hear the truth, they will hear it.
[Sun shines brightly over the bush, grasses wave in the wind]
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