Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
I Prayed to Jehovah for Courage (4:05) Lesson 22

Transcript: I prayed to Jehovah for Courage
[Text: Ana]
Ana: I didn’t identify myself as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses because I was scared of what kids at school would say about me.
[Text: Bianca]
Bianca: Peer pressure is probably the worst one erm you don’t just get peer pressure from friends, but you also get it from you know your teachers.
[Text: Johnathan]
Johnathan: Some of my friends who joined this new Christian group started spreading false rumors about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many of them said we were led by some unknown leader at the top. At first, I wanted to stand up and say, “Well, that’s not true!” However, I started becoming fearful.
[Head down he walks home alone]
Ana: I was hanging out with the wrong crowd, and girls invited me to go play in the park after school. Something kind of told me that I shouldn’t have gone with them, but I still went. And out of nowhere, I see two young men come, and they tried to steal our backpacks. They started arguing with the boys in our group, and they started fighting too. The police came, and when I saw the police, I thought I was going to get into a lot of trouble, so I just ran away.”
Bianca: One time, the teacher at school was mocking all religions saying you know, ‘The Bible is outdated,” and “How can you know that God exists? You know, “People have rewritten it so many times. How can you know it’s the truth?” And I remember thinking to myself, ‘I should say something.’ You know, I did this the night before, ‘I should say something.’ And then my friend goes next to me goes, “Bianca is a Jehovah’s Witness.” The teacher looks at me you know, wide eyed and said, “Do you have anything to say?” And I just stood there, you know I didn’t know what to say, and then the bell rang, and I was just relieved.
[Johnathan and Mom hug]
Johnathan: I felt how I imagine Peter would have felt.
Ana: My conscience kept bothering me, and I knew that Jehovah didn’t approve of my association.
Bianca: The fact that I had to open my mouth and kinda prove myself, you know just made me just cramp up inside, and I felt very disappointed in myself.
Ana: I said a prayer to Jehovah, and I asked him to give me courage to stand up and say that I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I remember a brother who gave a talk once, and he cited from the words of Mark 8:38, where it says that we shouldn’t be ashamed of following Jesus because he would be ashamed of us. Those words really touched my heart, and I knew that I had to make changes soon.
Johnathan: After I had considered the example of Jesus, I prayed to Jehovah, one for courage and also for another opportunity to defend his name.
Bianca: Talking to Mum was probably the biggest one. Her experience and her knowledge kind of helped to give me the courage to keep going.
Johnathan: Identifying myself as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses has served as a protection.
Bianca: In biology class, we were talking about the topic of blood, and my teacher brought up the comment of those JW people they will let their kids die. I said a really quick prayer to Jehovah because I knew that was not the truth. So, I stood up, and I said, “We’re called Jehovah’s Witnesses, and we don’t allow our kids to die.” I was so happy after that moment.
Johnathan: I was able to give a witness when my schoolmates started asking me about what we really believe and practice. And I was able to give them a much more accurate understanding of how our organization functions.
Ana: Now that I’m able to stand firm in my beliefs, I feel much better.
Bianca: You’re doing it for Jehovah, and you’re doing it for yourself. You’re not doing it to make them happy; you’re doing it to make Jehovah happy. When I feel scared or afraid, I say a quick prayer to Jehovah, and he gives me the courage to defend my faith and keep going.
Johnathan: I have gained the respect and admiration of my schoolmates.
Ana: I’m not ashamed anymore of identifying myself as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Johnathan: And now I’m proud to represent Jehovah.
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