Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Building a Relationship With Jehovah (1:11) Lesson 23

Transcript: Building a Relationship with Jehovah.
[Text: Josh. United States. Hands leaflet to a man in the street]
Josh: Our relationship with Jehovah can start when we’re young. For me, it was the example that others set of putting Jehovah first and the happiness that came as a result as well as being in that sort of environment that really helped me to want to reach out as well as be available for those opportunities.
[Sign-language at the meeting]
And once we do give our life to Jehovah, it’s amazing to see the blessings that he has in store for us.
[Construction work]
But in order to build that relationship, we need to read God’s Word; we also need to pray to him.
[Text: Anne-Fleur. Netherlands]
Anne-Fleur: The more you get to know him, the more appealing things you learn about him. That makes you not want to lose him as your Friend. I always knew it was the truth and that I wanted to serve Jehovah forever. But I needed to reassure myself of certain aspects, so I did some research projects with my parents, using the Creator book and some items from the Bible Teach book. After that, it only became more obvious. And I was certain that I wanted it and that I was ready to get baptized.
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